Hitman: Blood Money, Silent Assassin on 'A Good Vintage' on Pro *Spoilers*



13 Dec 2004
Anyone managed this? I've got the level down to a T, except I can't get out of the level in my suit so I miss out on the SA award. The guard before the plane (exit) requires a disguide. I use both sedation syringes and one poison syringe on my travels.

Writing this makes me wonder if I can go down in disguise, knock him out and go fetch the suit, but I think that'll make noise that will negate the SA award. Hmm :confused:
to get the silent assasin you must

gamefaqs said:
1) Only kill the targets in each mission; you can however kill regular
guards or anyone else in an accident which includes pushing down a flight
of stairs or over a balcony.

2) Retrieve surveillance tapes if you have been caught on camera.

3) Make sure there are no witnesses or this will compromise your rank.
You will know when there is a witness as the notoriety meter will turn
yellow. In this case, restart or reload.

4) Make sure that no bodies are discovered, unless it is the direct
result of an accident.

you CAN:

1) Fire as many shots as you want in a mission, provided nobody hears the

2) Use the fibre wire, syringe and accidents to eliminate your hits.

3) leave behind your suit and escape in disguise.
Ace game this, totally addicted to it myself. I just love trying to get the silent assassin achievement, then loading up the level and completing it RAMBO style
I managed to do it by running all the way round to the hangar, kill the VIP gaurd and hide body, use uniform and go to the mansion and kill the main target then go to the wine cellar and kill the second target after he has snorted the drugs and is on his way out then take lift to the hangar and kill gaurd, change back to hitman suit and escape. But i did use a silenced silverballer with the quieter ammo.
Mud said:
Anyone managed this? I've got the level down to a T, except I can't get out of the level in my suit so I miss out on the SA award. The guard before the plane (exit) requires a disguide. I use both sedation syringes and one poison syringe on my travels.

Writing this makes me wonder if I can go down in disguise, knock him out and go fetch the suit, but I think that'll make noise that will negate the SA award. Hmm :confused:
When you walk around the back of the villa to sedate the first guard (assuming you do it this way), go back here once you have killed your targets. Change back into your suit, keep going towards the cliff face, there's a path down - this mean you don't need to use the lift - is this the way you usually go?

Not sure where you have used the two sedate's though. You only need one on the first guard (I mention above). You can then use the second sedate on the smoking guard in the hanger. You can sneak past the technition and the sleeping guard.
Xtremepenguin said:
to get the silent assasin you must
The gamefaq guide is completely wrong for Pro... it's true for normal, but if you kill anyone other than the targets, or exit without your suit, on the Pro difficulty you wont get the SA rating. Also, just because your rating turns yellow, doesn't mean there has been a witness. It goes yellow for plenty of reasons (like a body being discovered, even if it was an 'accident'). Gah, that gamefaq thing is SO wrong it hurts!!
To be precise I:

*go immediately right, sedate the guard, take guard suit and shotgun
*go down the stairs to the wine cellar, and when the target is moving from the room with the barrels (immediately off the first hallway) I come up behind him, poison him and sling him in the body box just behind me
*exit estate, enter again over the wall and run to the corner infront of the mansion and climb drain-pipe
*fibre-wire 2nd target
*enter adjacent room, there's a VIP guard sitting on the chair, come up behind him and sedate, VIP suit up, take gun
*exit mansion, estate, run round the outside and down the cliff face to exit

I'll try using the VIP guard patrolling the hangar as advised (thanks), although it might throw off my timings.

edit: Success! 1 down...
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Mud said:
To be precise I:

*go immediately right, sedate the guard, take guard suit and shotgun
*go down the stairs to the wine cellar, and when the target is moving from the room with the barrels (immediately off the first hallway) I come up behind him, poison him and sling him in the body box just behind me
*exit estate, enter again over the wall and run to the corner infront of the mansion and climb drain-pipe
*fibre-wire 2nd target
*enter adjacent room, there's a VIP guard sitting on the chair, come up behind him and sedate, VIP suit up, take gun
*exit mansion, estate, run round the outside and down the cliff face to exit

I'll try using the VIP guard patrolling the hangar as advised (thanks), although it might throw off my timings.

edit: Success! 1 down...
Slighty different to how I did it.

*Go round to the right of the wall, through the door, over the boxes, past the trees and follow the guard into the building using sneak
*Take the door to your left, then the one imediatley to your left again and get the Guard suit from the floor.
*Go down to the wine cellar, wait till target one's finished his coke, then fire wire him, chuck in the box
*Go back outside, throught the double doors to the right and up the drain pipe on the far side.
*Climb through the window, wait till Tagerget 2 has finished playing and goes through to the balcony, push him.
*Go back and get your suit, and i'm pretty sure you can leg it past the last guy to get on the plane. *Edit* You can push him in and still get SA

Stats were:

Kills 0
Shots fired 0
Shots hit 0
Close combat 0
Accident 3
Bodies found 0
Covers blown 0
Witnesses 0
Caught on camera No
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I've done the first 4 (proper) missions on SA now, I should really go and do something else now... :o
Just a warning, I've done 5 Pro SA's now, but not got the achievement...think it might only count if its the one you save.
Did you do each first time? I redid some after saving.

edit: nevermind, achieved officially after 6x Pro SA.
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I finally got the last secret achievement last night, so I now have the full 1000 points (only my second game to do so) :D I also completed all the levels on Pro with an SA rating... I genuinely think I might be 47... in disguise ;)
How crazed is the firearm collection achievement? Does it count all the times you've had to go through on the different difficulties? Any guns that're hard to find?

I only borrowed the game off my brother a few days back, I'm catching up on you!
Mud said:
How crazed is the firearm collection achievement? Does it count all the times you've had to go through on the different difficulties? Any guns that're hard to find?

I only borrowed the game off my brother a few days back, I'm catching up on you!
You have to have all the guns in any one difficulty... since your hideout is per difficulty. It's best to do it on rookie, because there are a couple you can't get unless you are willing to run through some crowded streets waving a gun about ;) I can give a list of the harder ones to find if you want, but I wouldn't want to spoil anything... they're not too hard to figure out if you've completed all the difficulty levels.
Mud said:
I only borrowed the game off my brother a few days back, I'm catching up on you!
But by the time you get there, I'll be gone, with no evidence I was ever there :D
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As long as you can revisit the levels to add to your gun collection, don't worry too much...if I get stuck I'll ask ;)
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