Want to import a region free Xbox 360 shooter, so which one?
Pick up and play qualities are main criteria, doubt very much I'll get the time to finish it, just want some short term fun. I passed COD 2 by, because I played the first one quite a bit on the PC. The original Hitman I played on the PC for a few hours,enjoyed it, but messed around too much to get anywhere, and I only saw Far cry running for a few minutes but PC crashed all the time.
Pick up and play qualities are main criteria, doubt very much I'll get the time to finish it, just want some short term fun. I passed COD 2 by, because I played the first one quite a bit on the PC. The original Hitman I played on the PC for a few hours,enjoyed it, but messed around too much to get anywhere, and I only saw Far cry running for a few minutes but PC crashed all the time.