Holiday Currency, exchange rate

In my experience (im tight so looked for 2 weeks)

For cash there and then/pickup it was Marks + Sparks (1.949)


For Airport Pickup Pre-Order & Pay for before hand @ travelex website (dont buy at the airport as their rates arnt good) (1.9616)

Just for comparing the Post Office is (1.915)
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ste_bla said:
In my experience (im tight so looked for 2 weeks)

For cash there and then/pickup it was Marks + Sparks (1.949)


For Airport Pickup Pre-Order & Pay for before hand @ travelex website (dont buy at the airport as their rates arnt good) (1.9616)

Just for comparing the Post Office is (1.915)

yes, travelex are usually best
Sounds like travelex then, and go to pick it up.

Don't like the idea of getting there on the morning to go on holiday to find they've lost the order etc. etc.
optimus said:
Sounds like travelex then, and go to pick it up.

Don't like the idea of getting there on the morning to go on holiday to find they've lost the order etc. etc.

I have had that happen, as long as you have your email then they will honour the rate
one last thing re Travelex, you need to have the credit/debit card that you used with you when you collect
I always find the best rate is using local bureau de change/cambio at your destination, or taking cash out from cash machines using your debit card. Although there's usually a small fee involved in the latter, you get a great rate with a much smaller spread than anywhere else.
Don't use a credit/debit or any kind of bank card as you will get charged commision by your issuing bank of about 2.5%, this applies if you use your card abroad too, the only exception to this is Nationwide who don't charge you.

One of the best places I've found for exchange rates is M+S who seem to give you a better rate than most other places I've found on the high street, although I've spotted a couple of places down Oxford Street offering about $1.98 to £1 with no commision.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
Don't use a credit/debit or any kind of bank card as you will get charged commision by your issuing bank of about 2.5%, this applies if you use your card abroad too, the only exception to this is Nationwide who don't charge you.


People seem to be allergic to banks charging commission.... even when paying that commission (and with the commission included) you get a far better exchange rate.
daz said:

People seem to be allergic to banks charging commission.... even when paying that commission (and with the commission included) you get a far better exchange rate.

What sort of rates do you get, on say a grand you're going to get charged about 25 quid commission by the bank
i'd love to have that problem at the moment I'm well skint...


I usually load my CC before I go that way i can take money as and when i need it.
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