Holy Moly Ace Combat 6 Screenshot

20 Apr 2004
Holy moly, I didn't really pay much attention to the annoucement of this game on the 360 but then I saw a few screenshots... wowser..

That's just amazing...

Without wanting to start any arguments, I can't see anything special.

All I see is a flat Google Map, with some boxes sticking out of it.

Seriously. Load Google Earth and switch on 3D Buildings. Looks exactly the same.
Memphis said:
Without wanting to start any arguments, I can't see anything special.

All I see is a flat Google Map, with some boxes sticking out of it.

Seriously. Load Google Earth and switch on 3D Buildings. Looks exactly the same.
I see the same :o
Not many aircraft about for a flight sim/shoot em up! Maybe ace combats turned into passenger airline game lol
There was some better screenshots on famitsu somewhere or other
kinda sad that this is coming to xbox 360 (or not as i don't own either ps3 or xbox360) and i've always been a big fan of the series (owning all of them on ps2) but i have to say the screen shot really doesn't look too special, flat texture with 3d buildings sticking out.

however ! gameplay is always where it's been at for ace combat, i can just imagine being able to fly between buildings and stuff now

Every new console has a screenshot that someone says "omg it looks real".

This screenshot is nothing special at all.
Memphis said:
Without wanting to start any arguments, I can't see anything special.

All I see is a flat Google Map, with some boxes sticking out of it.

Seriously. Load Google Earth and switch on 3D Buildings. Looks exactly the same.

No it doesn't.
The water and sky look impressive, but there's a big contrast between the taller buildings and the very flat looking buildings surrounding them.
I guess now I look much harder at the picture I see what you mean about the flat textured ground and 'stuck on' buildings but I still think when you first see it, without over analysing is still has a 'wow' factor. The lighting and water reflections are excellent.

When I showed my wife she said "is that a photo?".
Memphis said:
Fine. I apologise for using the word "exactly", but remove the fancy lighting and they are extremely similar.

The screenshot is nothing special at all.

I do agree when you put it like that. :p
I said it before and i'll say it again but people all WOW'd at Over G Fighters screenies and look how that panned out!

I know people claim Ace Combat is a good series of games but how does it differ to Over G Fighters?
Rhys said:

Every new console has a screenshot that someone says "omg it looks real".

The 360 isn't new ? Anyway, who's going to notice the flat textures when you're pulling a few G around the place.
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