Home brew yeast?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Does anyone know how long live yeast lasts?

Got a little test tube but it must be 7 weeks old know, kept in the firdge?
Is it dead, or is it usable? stupid liquorice took ages to come.

it's a bottle like this.
If it's been kept refrigerated, but not frozen, you're looking at a couple of months. Freezing yeast kills it. Try and get some nutrient, some liquid yeasts come with some, which will wake up the yeast a bit more.
I'd be hesitant to use it though just incase it isn't active. I wouldn't want my time to be wasted.
I suppose you could get a wee cup of warm water, throw some sugar in and a small bit of your yeast. You'll quickly know if it's alive or not.

Is this for your root beer? Will you post some pictures?
Yep and yep, to test of buy some more, don't want to mess it up the main ingredient is resonably expensive and from us.
It should be alright, you only need a tiny sample to get a reaction. How come you went for liquid yeast and not dried?
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