home phone that works with outlook (prolly not the right area)

30 Jul 2003
Does anyone have some super suggestion (or know if this even exists)

I'm looking for a home phone that syncs with outlook contacts / exchange, i have all the contacts from my mob etc in there, and would be nice if i could just type in the name of the person, click call and the phone thne dials that person...

Any suggestions? portable pliiixxx as i move around the house loads when i talk, like running a marithon :)
I don't know about anything that does Outlook, but the Philips Skype phones use the Skype contact list. They support either Skype or regular calls, so if you could find a way to sync your Skype contacts with Outlook then you'd be sorted.

I have the VOIP8411B phones and they work well.
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