
Just cracked the first few open last weekend - not too bad really. Gives you something to do and is cheap.

You get better with time.

That reminds me - need to get my second batch on...

BTW I didn't go for the mash route - I got the malt ready done and went straight to wort...
I've done a few all grain brews but not since last winter.

Just remember - you will leave the taps open once.. ensure where ever you brew can take a splatter of hot/cold sticky water.

IIRC Paulstat is another brewer.

All grain goodness..


Maybe again this winter..
I'm thinking about getting the Woodfordes Wherry Real Ale Starter Kit, it seems to get the thumbs up from just about everyone. How do you 'treat' your water?
Two ways - a campden tablet or use bottled water. Does the kit you're looking have a fermentation bin and a keg, or, does it ferment in the keg?

Just remember: (a) sterilise everything that comes into contact with the brew and (b) get the wort cool before pitching the yeast.

It's actually a pretty simple process and the Wherry is very good.

All this talk of brewing is getting me thinking a brew would save me money rather than buying bottles.
I started looking at the lager kits but switched to ale as my Dad's an ale drinker and I'd like him to have a few pints if it turns out well.
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