Hong Kong / Thailand / The Phillipines / China

11 Jun 2005
Well I've finally got round to sorting out my photos from this summer. I was doing a course in Hong Kong and while I was there took the chance to fly out to a few nearby countries at the weekends. I left the 40D behind and bought a TZ6 before I left. I think it was a good move as I wouldn't have lugged an SLR round for 6 weeks, and the best camera is the one you've got on you...


Here's the view from our campus, we walked past this every day to get between our accommodation and pretty much anywhere on campus.


Leaving our accommodation from the other side and going further up the hill lead to a pool overlooking the sea. I stayed up till 6am to see the sunrise and get this shot. Well worth it though I feel!


Hong Kong bay, taken a little further along from where most photos are usually done of the typical skyline.


Bangkok was gorgeous, if a tad hot



This was taken in the Philippines, it was a stunning place. I'm pretty pleased with this as it was hand held after a few beers in the fading light.


Also taken in the Philippines.


Yangshuo - It was rather surreal walking down the road with the mountains just in the background.


I was only there for 2 full days, plus the days I arrived and left on so wasn't there long enough to see much sun. I'd love to go back though.

C&C welcomed :)
Really nice set of pictures. Love #6. Some/most of them are suffering from artifacting though - don't be afraid to turn the JPEG quality up a notch!

they aren't artifacts - it's the Artificial sharpening!
very cool Scenes & compositions, especially #6
Thanks for the kind words guys. It makes a change that I've got some decent holiday photos :D I was a little unsure as to whether I'd overdone the sharpening or not, I guess this thread confirms it! I did a small amount of sharpening to the full size picture, then once I resized to upload I sharpened them again before using save for web at 60% (high).

I think it was the second sharpening which I've overdone, I'll pay more attention to it next time.
Lovely pics. Can you comment on the low light performance of the TZ6? Is the mode wheel as annoying as people say it is?

Low light performance IMO is acceptable, obviously not as good as an SLR, but ISO 100-400 are fine and 800 upwards it starts to become more obvious but still remains useable. What I found is that there isn't a great deal in it with other cameras around the same price. It does sometimes struggle to focus in very low light too.

The mode wheel is annoying yes, its very easy to knock and I'd often find it in the wrong mode after taking it out of my pocket. It would have been fine if the wheel was a bit stiffer, especially as I used Intelligent Auto for 90% of the time :p
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