Hot Choc super heroes needed

17 Mar 2005
Anyone lurking on these forums have any pro tips for nice hot choc, going to go to asda in abit got abit of a craving for it, ill leave it with you guys.
Buy the mint one.. use milk.. use microwave..


I'm going to hunt for mint flavoured sachets..
Melt dark chocolate (85% stuff).
Add 200ml (roughly) double cream.
Mix and and chill in fridge, in a bottle or something.

When you want it, put a little in a glass and add milk. Stir.
Can be had hot or cold.
Keeps for 2 weeks in fridge.

I do this, you add extra sugar if you want, add orange or mint etc.
This is the method i use. 4 heaped teaspoons of Green & Blacks drinking chocolate in a mug and mix with a little whole milk to make a paste. Bring a mugful of milk to the boil on the hob then whisk it vigorously as soon as it has boiled so it forms a nice froth. Pour the boiling milk into the mug slowly, stirring to mix with the chocolate. You can sprinkle a little cinnamon powder in now if you wish but not too much. Get some of that Devon squirty cream and put a nice layer as thick as you want in the mug (don't mix). Grate some chocolate of your choice (do this before) and sprinkle on top of the cream. Enjoy!! If you feel even more indulgent, you can use add marshmellows.
Heat the milk in a pan. But don't let it boil. Take it off the heat just before it boils. It really does affect the taste.

Cioccolata Densa

9g cocoa
34g sugar
5g cornflour
20mL water
170mL milk

Mix sugar and cocoa together (If possible use Italian bitter cocoa.)
Dissolve the cornflour in the water by stirring, then mix it with the
sugar/cocoa to form a brown goo.
Heat the goo in a saucepan over a low-medium heat, always stirring
with a whisk. Slowly add the milk to the mixture, and keep stirring.
Bring the mix to a simmer and keep stirring, but slow it down a bit so
you're only stirring occasionally.
Once it's a thick, glossy molten liquid you're ready! It'll look like a
thick chocolate pudding that's not quite set. Pour it into cups, grab a
spoon and dig in.
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