How can people call it fashion?

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hello All,

Now being a socialising member of todays youth, I understand that there are various different fashion styles and many many ways of wearing clothes etc.

But this is one fashion i just can't see the reasoning behind.

Picture it...

a lad wearing t-shirt and jeans
wearing a bowlers hat or similar wonky to cover the right eye (kinda like boy george)
and a scarf which is usually tied with the 2 ends pulled through the looped end on the front.

My god? I mean???!?!?! How can they call that a "look"?

I just don't get it at all!!!

Can anyone explain this to me?
I'm afraid that yes that is fashion. I've got a mate who wears a hat like that, apart from he doesn't have it covering one eye, that sounds a bit camp to me.

Scarfs also seem to be coming back into fashion these days, though they're not to my personal taste.

End of rant :p

edit: took a sentence out as i realise it was possibly a bit harsh :p
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cymatty said:
Are you sure that this thread is not about a new look you are going to try, but first want to see if it is gay?

Lol, Yes I'm sure it's not :p

If you really want to know on a night out I wear jeans with a smart shirt, or if I'm going more casual it's Jeans with either a smart t-shirt or a normal plain t-shirt and a shirt thrown over the top undone.
Suppose it's fashion, but there are chicks out there that like that stuff, so if guys want to sleep with them they have to adapt, pretty standard really :p
God that DOES look ridiculous

Phate said:
wearing a bowlers hat or similar wonky to cover the right eye (kinda like boy george)
Lol you mean a Trilby?

They have been done to death, started with women wearing them about 2-3 years ago and then Pete Doherty types bringing it back.
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