How do you like your eggs done?

23 Mar 2005
A rather scary little experiment:

Cookery Class


How long before some proper research is done - or do we have to go through the whole 'big tobacco' routine again?
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Proper research has already been done, repeatedly, and this myth has been accepted as a load of dingo's kidneys ;)

Hell if you want popular science, braniac did the same experiment with lots and lots of phones at once and guess what... they didn't get anywhere.

there's a reason why no reputable source has ever reported this story....
And yet people have found that the technology to shield users from the radiation using covers has been patented by the big phone companies...

As with lung cancer - the research to prove/disprove this kind of thing will take decades - by then it will be too late for those of us living through the 'boom'

(Has got me thinking though - will have to try this this weekend when I've got access to another mobile :D )
Dolph said:
Hell if you want popular science, braniac did the same experiment with lots and lots of phones at once and guess what... they didn't get anywhere.


I was just about to say, they did it with 100 mobile phones and it was still raw as raw at the end of it all.
Well, they say fish is brain food so....

If I heat up some sardines with a couple of smartphones and eat them (the sardines that is), will I become super intelligent? :D
They did somewthing like this on brainiac science abuse on TV. The covered the egg with hundreds of phones, rang them all, and the egg didnt warm one bit, still raw.

They also used the same phones in a caravan that had been soaked in petrol to see if a phone really could cause an explosion. It didnt. So why they say no phones in a petrol station is anyoneas guess.
The 'no phones in petrol stations' thing really winds me up - considering they hide transmitter masts in the forecourt signs!

With the Braniac one - did they just ring the phones or did they leave them connected to each other?
cavemanoc said:
Can anyone identify those two phones - maybe it was a model flaw?

Wouldn't worry about model of phone (unless it's been modified) - the whole idea of a mobile radiating enough power to cook an egg is utter tosh.
cavemanoc said:
The 'no phones in petrol stations' thing really winds me up - considering they hide transmitter masts in the forecourt signs!

With the Braniac one - did they just ring the phones or did they leave them connected to each other?

It's not the using of mobile phones during a call it's the pressing the buttons and lights on the screen that is the worry. Older phones used to create an electric spark when pressing a button, which obviously around petrol and it's fumes is quite dangerous.
A GSM phone on average transmits 0.25watts maximum power. It uses an antenna that radiates a spherical beam pattern much like a monopole antenna, therefore has poor directivity.

So if you can imagine your phone radiating a spherical field of 0.25watts, the maximum your head is going to absorb is going to be 0.125watts. With an egg its going to be less than that. If you try cooking an egg with an 1/8th of a watt I think you'll be there for ever and an egg isnt likely to even likely to absorb 0.125W, probably less than half of that again.
cavemanoc said:
With the Braniac one - did they just ring the phones or did they leave them connected to each other?

IIRC, the each phone was rang simultaneously and if it any one of the stop ringing, they just redial again.
Lead_Head said:
It's not the using of mobile phones during a call it's the pressing the buttons and lights on the screen that is the worry. Older phones used to create an electric spark when pressing a button, which obviously around petrol and it's fumes is quite dangerous.
Myth, Busted (c) Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman.
Lead_Head said:
It's not the using of mobile phones during a call it's the pressing the buttons and lights on the screen that is the worry. Older phones used to create an electric spark when pressing a button, which obviously around petrol and it's fumes is quite dangerous.

Ive never know any phones to spark when they light up the keypad or light a led/lcd which phones were they?

Your all wrong and i cant believe you dont know! :p its in case you drop the phone and the battery sparks!

They just say no phones as its easier than saying "no phones to be held in your hand as you walk across the forecourt"
There are two possibilities with the 'massive risk of explosion':

1: there is a circuit made in the phone that could cause arching and hence a miniscule risk of fire/death/apocolypse

2: The signal was energy (0.25W) that can induce a current in other devices (ever receive a call sitting in front of your speakers?) and that current could then cause arching.

It's a tiny risk - but then some people play the lottery...
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