How do you plan a healthy food diet?

OcUK Staff
12 Apr 2008
How do you plan your food diet and know that it is good for you? Also have you got a set routine, or a set meal plan for the week? - Or do you just have a set list of foods and just eat what you fancy?
the idea here is a good routine

I normally do my weekly shop on a sunday - so perhaps you could write out a list of food combinations that you like and are healthy.

* a good routine will take imo 21 days to get into

* write out a shopping list of what you need

* get some supplies for the office (meaning where you work)
cans of tuna, oat cakes, seeds, nuts, fruit etc, beef jerky

* get into a good routine and ditch the take away foods
It depends what you're after. It becomes a habit rather than planned - you start to cut out the crap and eat just generally good foods. Planning your diet does help though - do a weekly shop and plan out what you want to eat during the day during the week. What foods do you like? to work out how much you are eating and what you can add.

Depends what you mean by 'that it is good for you'. What are your goals?

As for meal plan i eat basically the same thing every day at roughly the same time so it's pretty easy to get into a routine.
I think the food diary is the most logical approach for a lot of people... it will let you find out what rubbish you're eating and help you swap it out for the good stuff.

Personally, it gives me all the excuse I need to eat vast quantities of stuff I really like. :)

Once you've actually thought about it for a couple of weeks, it becomes very easy.
That's a filthy lie! ;)

Going to the gym means I eat twice as much as I normally do. :D

But then, my 'other' reason for going to the gym is an excuse to eat more. :o

Well; I meant that having a diary restricts your shopping list, and if you stick to it you don't go around buying things with pretty labels on it.

In addition to which we buy all our meat at the start of the month on the 3 for £10 that sainsburys/waitrose always have, so the other shops are always a lot cheaper. Averages out of course.
Control your intake via weekly shop. You'll get into the routine, and understand exactly what it is you'll be putting into your body each week.

Sometimes there wil be slight variations though based on offers etc that you'll come across.
I just tend to only buy decent ingredients and work from there really - if you don't buy crap you won't eat it!
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