How does this car look? Newbie Car buyer.

2 May 2008
Hey guys,

I'm looking for an old Ford Ka as my first runaround. Due to my budget its one of the few cars I can afford insurance for, that'll change next year.

Price Range £500-£1000
Ford Ka 1997-2000 1.3L 1300cc

I've found one nearby, linky
96,000 miles [Black]

Edit: Found another, linky
52,000 Miles [Red]

I'm going to bring the most street savvy person I know with me on a viewing when I get the money in. But imagine I'm alone, what kind of things should I look for, or ask during the viewing?

I've sent an enquiry if there is service history with the car.

Also, if I decide its alright for me, what do I do about insurance. Should I set up insurance before I hand over the money and drive off? Can I do that, would I need more details than the Reg plate I take it?
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Most insurance companies can provide you with a window of a couple of days which covers you during the period you would buy the car.
When my mum bought her car she provided them with reg plate, model, engine size etc and they gave her a quote for that weekend.

I would double check with the company you intend to insure with though first.
I can afford all the insurance band 1 cars, its about £1300 for me (20yr old, 0 years held license, 0 no claims bonus) [had license 4 months]

So, anything with a small engine, I considered a Daewoo Matiz, but realised it was actually a dishwasher.

Well, I would look at some other options first, it's a bit of a rollerskate :D Buy on condition though, service history on a Ford Ka might be wishfull thinking.
well its not much really those engines are quite good, the body however is crap, rust places to look at (i know from exerence having just put one on the road for my bro) are sills, rear of the front seat mounts , and ir ya look in behind the front bumper with the bonnet up make sure theres no rust there.
you should really look at buying a pug 106 or a saxo as they do not rust.
I have the 1.3 fiesta, nowt spectacular to me, but what do you expect, I'm only looking to get from A-B and to acrue some NCB, so fine first car for me.
Update, I'm now looking at Ford Fiestas, theres more about, and the ones I've seen have lower miles. Still very cheap budget £500-1000. I've found a few that are MOT'd till Aug 2010, which is ideal as I'm only having it for a year.
i have a 1.3 getz nd the engine is fine :confused:




@OP £1k is bang on the budget for a MINT 1.25 MK4 Fiesta (1996 N reg to 1999 V reg). For that i'd be wanting tax and MOT for a year. Don't be tempted to try and get one for less than £700 as most under that price are either 1.3s or just rubbish. Watch out for rusty wheel arches, rough idling and hesitance in low revs.
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