How good of an underclock is this?

30 Jun 2013
Finally managed to get some time to properly underclock my 4770k.

I dont see myself needing more performance out of my CPU so i thought i'd put it into its proper on stock volts. But maybe soon, ill try to push it a bit.

Initially, my setting we're Auto vcore, 4GHz; max temps from playing BF4 were all around <70.

Now that i've played around a little bit(with notes as well eh ^_^), started like this:
3.9GHz @0.960v --stable in OCCT for 1hr 33min. (max)Temps were 61, 62, 64, 61

Then as 3.9GHz is kind of a weird number and i have a thing for even or tens of numbers, so i upped it a little:
4.0GHz @0.980v -- stable in OCCT for 2hr 05mins. (max)Temps were 65, 67, 64, 63


So how good d'you think this underclock is?
Is the volts higher than what you'd typically expect for that frequency?
Please post your underclocks below, i want to compare mine to your.

Thanks all :)
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