How long could you go without your PC?

23 Jul 2009
So, my rig is all boxed up while I send my mobo off to RMA and I've been relegated to my phone and/or the other half's netbook. No gaming (BF3! aaagh), no photo editing (can't view RAW files, codec installer requires a higher res than the netbook can produce), slow performance, squinting at small screens. It bugs me. I didn't realise how many of my hobbies relied on my PC to work.

How integrated has your life become to your PC? How long could you go without your main PC before it would start to bug you?
Thought I'd struggle but first job I got I didn't use pc at home for 12 months... You'd just get used to it.
Two weeks is the longest I have been offline for a while, when I was on holiday.Strangely enough, the longer I am away from a PC and the internet, the less I miss it!
I am from a time when PC's were not an integral part of everyday life though ;)
I went without it for a couple of weeks when my 3D card fried and I had to send it off to be replaced. It was boring as hell though. At least I still had Sky TV to keep me occupied :S

EDIT: And even then I wasnt completely cut off cause I could still use my works PCs and I had my iphone at home for internet access. Take those away as well and I dunno what I would do :(
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It depends really, if I had all of my music and video either on discs (and hifi / DVD player etc) or on a portable hard drive and access to another PC it wouldn't bother me too much.

I only really use my PC for music, video and web browsing all of which can be done on different devices so I could do without it.
Two weeks is the longest I have been offline for a while, when I was on holiday.Strangely enough, the longer I am away from a PC and the internet, the less I miss it!
I am from a time when PC's were not an integral part of everyday life though ;)

I know what you mean in terms of the longer away you are the easier it gets (like being dumped I suppose haha). I was without the internet in my current houseshare for around 2-3 months, at first it was a pain but then you just get use to it. Its great having it back now though. :p
A couple of months as long as I have my laptop. If you mean going without any computers/laptops, then probably 2 weeks max.
So, my rig is all boxed up while I send my mobo off to RMA and I've been relegated to my phone and/or the other half's netbook. No gaming (BF3! aaagh), no photo editing (can't view RAW files, codec installer requires a higher res than the netbook can produce), slow performance, squinting at small screens. It bugs me. I didn't realise how many of my hobbies relied on my PC to work.

How integrated has your life become to your PC? How long could you go without your main PC before it would start to bug you?

Managed a few months without a PC when i split up with my ex.
It's little things like "oh I'll stick some incubus on my mp3 player... oh wait I can't" that are starting to grate at me. Given enough time I'd get over it, but it's certainly a PITA. I've had to resort to TV, but I refuse to play xbox... well so far. I may dig out Dirt 1 at some stage.
I have not had a proper PC ever, but I had a very powerful laptop (at the time) and when it broke, I was lost. Two years and I currently survive with a Asus 901 and a Xbox 360 to get me by till I can afford to build a proper PC and then I can take over the world
Didn't realise how much i relied on mine until the gfx card went last week. As its my pc/tv/gaming. With no access to a 'proper' tv I didnt know what to do with myself. Should probably go get some exercise or something
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