How long should he be made to pay?

4 Oct 2004
In my happy place
So, a hypothetical question for the All-Knowing OcUK masses. You are in conversation with your SO/OH/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/bit of fluff/whatever, and they call you by another womans/mans name. In a very inappropriate context.

How long would you make them suffer? Or is it carte blanche and should be filed ready to be bought up at a moment notice for forever more?

Tough one. Would depend on the circumstances.

If it was, for instance, during intercourse then there's really no forgiving someone. If it was in the heat of battle (argument) then it depends exactly what was said. If it was in general chit-chat then its something to tease them with for a long time :p
If the said "inappropriate time" was during certain activities, firstly you'd finish the deed. :p

I'd find it very difficult to forgive them tbh, but I can't say as i've never been in such a situation.

As Gilly also said, it's down to context. I'd be more forgiving if it was during an argument.
Being a female the correct response here is to never forget it, and use it as a weapon in emotional blackmail or when you want something. You can also bring it up when you're losing an argument about something totally unrelated.
Von Smallhausen said:
Is this a hypothetical situation Pebbles, or has this happened in the last 20 minutes ? Perhaps ?

It would be indescreet of me to say. But put it this way, if he didnt live a couple of hundred miles away he'd be singing soprano right now.
If it did indeed happen in the last 20 minutes then you're certainly a fast un..

well, seeing as you had time to post this thread n all ;)
BrenOS said:
Being a female the correct response here is to never forget it, and use it as a weapon in emotional blackmail or when you want something. You can also bring it up when you're losing an argument about something totally unrelated.
Do you not state when entering into any relationship that all things said and done are inadmissable in any argument once 7 days has passed?

I think you should start doing so :p
Gilly said:
Do you not state when entering into any relationship that all things said and done are inadmissable in any argument once 7 days has passed?

I think you should start doing so :p

It's ok, I've got a little disclaimer I get them to sign before I even start chatting to them :p
Use ooh I don't know... Handcuffs + streetlight + no clothes?? I'm sure he's used to the cold so it wouldn't be too cruel ;)

In a serious answer if it's an early relationship it's forgiveable, if it's a long term serious thang - it's something to be concerned about.

You should be able to have a night of passion with any man of your fantasies ;)
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