How much do you pay for insurance?

36 years old
2 years riding 1 years NCD
Just UN SORN'd my 2013 Honda NC700S
£386.43 Fully Comp

Which is amazing considering a little over a year ago I paid around £1100 TPFT
Mine is due shortly, 44 years old (christ I hate typing that out!), 9+ ncd, fully comp 2015 MT-09, just been quoted £82 with Bennetts
36yra old. £550 fully comp with everything. Zero no claims. CBR600 F4. Drops by half next year....

Was going to say as I'm at the £330 mark for a CBR600 F3 Fully comp - I'm 32 and have 3 years ncd

CBR's do seem to be expensive to insure in comparison to other bikes though
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