How much do you remember of TV shows?

6 Mar 2010
I've watched quite a few TV shows to completion, however it's occurred to me after talks with work mates who have watched the same shows that I have the memory of a goldfish. I simply don't remember anything specifically that happened at all. I remember absolutely loving The Sopranos when I finished it, but if you ask me now what happened in any of the seasons (outside of major events like deaths and such), I honestly couldn't tell you at all. It's just a blur. Same with The Wire ( a lesser extent since each season had a distinct theme), 24 and Mad Men.

So I'm just wondering if anyone else has this problem? The obvious answer would be to rewatch it and jog my memory, but I'm curious how many of you actually rewatch shows semi regularly to keep it in your memory, or if anyone else does/doesn't have this problem.
I remember a lot as long as I've actually watched a show (ie watched and given it my full attention not half listening while messing around on a tablet and occasionally glancing at the screen at something that sounds interesting) but I do feel like I'm in a minority in remembering but then that also seems to be because from what I've gathered not many people actually watch shows , they just use them as background noise and claim they watched them.
I'm the same. I rewatch all my favourites every few years and for the most part it's like they're a new show.

Ask me anything about my work and i'll answer instantly, ask me about a show i watched last year and i start googling.
II remember absolutely loving The Sopranos when I finished it, but if you ask me now what happened in any of the seasons (outside of major events like deaths and such), I honestly couldn't tell you at all. It's just a blur. Same with The Wire ( a lesser extent since each season had a distinct theme) and Mad Men.

That's because - and I love The Wire, Mad Man and have utmost respect for Sopranos - almost nothing happened in those shows, en large, in the grand scale of years. Characters appeared, characters disappeared, words were spoken, minor things occurred, but all in all, they were all about journey, not episodic destination. They weren't CSI.
I remember very little, which personally I think is great because it means that I can rewatch all my favourite shows and films and enjoy them almost as much because I don't remember most of it :D.

Lol at "they weren't CSI" :D.
I think I've forgotten them then when I watch them it all comes back after 30 minutes and then I realise I've wasted my time again.
It all starts coming back after the program gets going so I don't bother with reruns until they are quite old. My wife appears to suffer from memory loss after about six months and watches repeats all the time. Her rerun viewing would just drive me nuts.
Pretty much forget most of it and that is during the season run haha

For example The flash towards the end of the season there were some extreme metas that were locked away but escaped and I had no clue who they were, it bugs me also when they mention something that happen several episodes ago with a name of a doctor or something and id be like righto so ill pretend I knew who that doc was....

Naturally ill take to wiki tv to find out who the devil it was. AoS does the same for me.

Watching the last 2-3 episodes of the previous season after a 6-12 month gap sometimes gets me back to norm and up to date though.
me too - same with books and films - i can remember vague details and whether i liked it but plot points?? no chance.

watching game of thrones and people keep saying 'this is different to the books' etc - now i've read the books but really can't remember anything! especially the last two.
I enjoy the shows when I'm watching, but struggle to remember lots of them, except bits and characters that stick out. Like Breaking Bad, the Gus storyline and death scene I can remember in great deal. But Todd and his uncle or whatever, I remember very little as I thought that arc was weak (and was a mistake to make that the finale, Gus story arc should have been worked as the finale). The Wire, I can remember bits and pieces of, but it's the Snoop and Chris story arc I remember the most of. Particularly the hardware store scene.

Like others, my phone is a bane when watching TV or trying to read. I actually leave my phone in another room if I'm sitting down with a book so I'm not tempted to reach over and check stuff on it. The last book I read was The Dark Net by Jamie Bartlett and because of phone temptation I had to go back and read the previous page because my mind would wander as I was reading it and then pick up my phone. Leave the phone on the charger in the kitchen and park my arse on the sofa in the living room and suddenly I'm just chewing through the book without a problem.
I cant even remember the previous weeks episode!

Got so bad I now wait untill a season is finished and then watch it all at once.

The good bit about this is I keep meaning to watch Breaking Bad over again from the start and will enjoy it too as I cant remember any of it :)
I get this too. Really enjoy them but a few weeks later pretty much forget most of what happened.

I think it's due to binge watching series with 3-5 episodes in one sitting. Watching stuff like this means no time between episodes to reflect on events, and therefore no reason for information to sink in properly. Then again, I don't think I could cope waiting a week between episodes so I'm happy to continue watching and forgetting :)
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