How much is a Labret Piercing these days?

7 Mar 2005
Hey folks.

Been thinking about getting my lip pierced again after getting rid of all my facial piercings several years ago. How much am I looking at for a single central bar piercing, prob 6mm? Just a rough idea would be handy.

Also, anyone know where I can find like a clear retainer or clear ball etc for the piercing for when I go to work?

Thanks in advance :)
Id imagine it to be in the £25-£35 region. Not too expensive really.
The Piercist should have some clear bars or studs in their stop.
Mine cost £35 when I had it done, this was about 4-5 years ago. No longer have it in now.

Be prepared to be bored of it about 2 years later and left with a little dimple type thing in your face for the rest of your life :(
As for the clear ball thingy, the piercing place will have them.

EDIT: Ignore me, I didn't read about your previous facial piercings :)
ScarySquirrel said:
Be prepared to be bored of it about 2 years later and left with a little dimple type thing in your face for the rest of your life :(

I've had mine for about 7(?) years now, it's at 8mm and it'll leave a damn sight more than a dimple should i remove it...

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