How much will orange unlock a p900 for?

26 Aug 2003
The North
My dads had a SE p900 on contract for over 2 years on contract with Orange. He's ending his contract and says I can have the old phone but i'm on O2.

How much will Orange charge to unlock the phone?

Also seeing as he never upgraded in the second year/got a reduced tariff what are the chances of them giving him a second phone to cover this period? I'm guessing slim to none but cant hurt to ask.

My brother just paid orange £20 for an unlock code for his nokia 6680. Davinciteam can unlock it for £7 but i can't remember if you can use the sync station that came with the phone rather than buying an extra cable. I am sure ther are services out there that allow you to use the sync station.
One word of note, I have known the p900 to re-lock after updating the firmware/de-branding the phone so if you want it updating do that first.
£20 will unlock the phone through Orange, it's a standard fee.

They won't give him a new handset if he's ending his contract (apart from LSD/fault replacements)
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