How often do you change your phone?

I don't have a specific time frame, but just when the battery life starts to become an issue. This is usually between 2 and 2 1/2 years
@Journey that's the exact same deal I picked up. Hard to imagine anything like it will come about again though.

Will see what black Friday brings I guess! Would like the oneplus 8 or oppo x2 pro
Getting longer between replacements because phones are so good now there's less need to change,just replaced my previous phone which was over 3 years old, there wasn't really anything wrong with it except the battery was struggling to last 2 days and a deal came up on hukd that was too good to refuse
Every year :(

Having said that I don't buy when a new phone is available, I wait a few months and also import it get batter prices.

Same here. I tend to updgrade every year to one of the latest android flagships (Samsung the last few years), but I always wait a few months after release for prices to drop and often buy from Europe. I do try to take good care of my phones and usually get around £300-£400 for them on ebay, which I then put towards the new one.
Every 2-3 years.

I really couldn't care less if it's the latest and greatest, I look for features first and foremost. For the longest time, that meant a replaceable battery, headphone jack, microSD slot and no notch/hole punch/etc. garbage. The replaceable battery has been wiped out now, and I could probably put up with a hole punch if the rest of the phone really warranted it, but the other things are absolute musts.

I went from an HTC One M8 > Samsung Note 4 > LG V20 > Xiaomi Mi Max 3. The Mi Max I only bought a few months ago because the battery on the V20 had become atrocious, and I just wanted literally the biggest phone I could possibly get for media consumption with a beast of a battery, and lockdown meant I didn't really have to bother with it being cumbersome taking out and about.
Whenever I've had enough of people bitching at me to get a more modern phone... as if my being able to live without a Galaxy Note20+ is some kind of serious threat to their very existence!!
Usually when the battery gives out, though I am Prius like in my charging habits I try not to go over 80%

My pixel 2xl is actually working fine but primarily want a better screen.

Phone before that was a nexus 6P that well and truly was used until its battery was knackered .

So 2-3 years.
Still rocking my Galaxy S7 which must be at least 3 years old by now, maybe even a bit older. I have noticed the battery sometimes drains quite quickly even if I close all the apps, I suspect it's on the way out. Looking at batteries it's not a simple process as it's glued, been looking at a S10 recently, some decent deals, but have also been looking at Xiaomi Redmi 10 I think it is? I'm a little worried about the Chinese links like Huawei. And I've come across something that I really thought we'd be past my S7 by now. Screen resolution. My S7 is 1440 x 2560 pixels. Many modern phones are much lower. The Xaiomi Redmi 10X Pro is only 1080 x 2400
I find it interesting how many people are forced to swap phones just because you can't easily swap put the battery anymore. They should put some from of consumer protection in place, where the maximum that can be charged is '£xx' amount, something like 5/10% of the original MSRP in the UK capped at £40, so a cheapo phone would be worthwhile saving as well since you'd pay the 5% cost. It will never happen though, more chance of going back to removable batteries that that.
changing a battery is not that hard .. did my p20pro charge port ..15 mins done .. hairdryer .. back off 13 tiny screws replace done
changing a battery is not that hard .. did my p20pro charge port ..15 mins done .. hairdryer .. back off 13 tiny screws replace done

Nope it isn't hard for you, but 95% of the people I know wouldn't/couldn't do it. Everyone could swap a battery that was removable though.

It is promoting waste for waste sake, and considerable environmental impact. Off-topic anyhow.
There's always been pressure for smartphones to be more water resistant which hasn't helped either. Prompted a sealed unit design with removal of ports and semi-permanent batteries.
Unless it breaks about every 5+ years, settings they are at a state where new ones don't do anything that much better than what I use my current phone for
New iphone when it comes out each year, the old one rolls down the family through my wife, then daughter one then daughter two so each phone lives for 5 years and is then sold at the end. Sometimes we need a battery on the oldest one in the last year as daughter one hammers the life out of them!
Used to be every year but now every 24 months since getting the mate 20 pro. Due a new one in September so will hand the Huawei down to my gf
Generally 3 years. I had a weird short period with the OP2/N6P but that was due to SD810 phones being a mess, but apart from those, other phones I've owned lasted me much longer.
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