how old do you stop having a crush?

23 Feb 2006
dont get me wrong i'm 22 and i've got a social life a gf and dont spend my life on comps except when at work so not a nerd :p anyway was just looking a totalkiss website and saw picture of tony philips radio presenter and fallen in love :o
thebestever said:
Having a crush is an emotion.

Not a thing that goes with age.

I thought it was just thought, an infacutation. Not so much an emotion. Love is an emotion I have yet to experience though, I'm only 19 and I'm reluctant to use love when I'm with my GF.
I though a crush was just liking someone a lot.
OzyOly said:
I thought it was just thought, an infacutation. Not so much an emotion. Love is an emotion I have yet to experience though, I'm only 19 and I'm reluctant to use love when I'm with my GF.
I though a crush was just liking someone a lot.
Aww I remember being like this :D
Beansprout said:
Aww I remember being like this :D

What happened then? You found love and realised everything else was just nothing in comparisant?

I doubt I'll feel like that untill I'm 30 at least, when I've had more life experience.
OzyOly said:
What happened then? You found love and realised everything else was just nothing in comparisant?

I doubt I'll feel like that untill I'm 30 at least, when I've had more life experience.
Dunno, I just stopped being an over-analysing bored-out-of-my-mind teenager and became cool I guess :D

Nothing wrong with it, it's just funny seeing something and going "hey, I remember that" :D
Beansprout said:
Dunno, I just stopped being an over-analysing bored-out-of-my-mind teenager and became cool I guess :D

Nothing wrong with it, it's just funny seeing something and going "hey, I remember that" :D

Fair enough. I'm a bit of a Geek though, into computers and Science and doing Maths, Physics and Chemistry at A-levels, lol.

I can't help being over-analytical, especially seeing as my GF is out my league by miles, or at least I think she is.
SunaseIPs said:
Do you have a pic?

Yes I do mate. Give me five. I'll post a pic of me and of her. Seperate pics though, I need a Cam.

But I removed then upon reflection.
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jackoh said:
You dont need to know :p

Erm, ok. I think I'll take the pics down though. She would kill me if she turns into one of those iconic photoshoped people that go around forums and she know it's me who took the pic. :eek:
But I hope none of you are as cruel as that. At least I hope that anyway.
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