how old is the tomtomgo 300 map cant find mcdonalds

13 Jul 2005
how would i find out how old the map is i tapped in McDonalds in poi in exmouth and it came up with two McDonalds it took me where there was not one, but McDonalds is about 2miles from that location, so i tapped in the second McDonalds and that took me to another city about 6miles out.
im trying to find out how long McDonalds has been at exmouth and see how old the map is maybe the McDonalds had not been built when the map was done on the tt300 but i can doubt it

so far ive not had any problems accept the mcdonalds, every time i pass a certain point in exmouth it keeps saying its a roundabout its not and never been one if anything i would call it crossroads
Lol, my tom tom randomly tells me to turn left at the junction, when there is just a bend in the road :confused:
TaKeN said:
Lol, my tom tom randomly tells me to turn left at the junction, when there is just a bend in the road :confused:
Mine does too, but normally only when theres another road near it and it thinks there's a junction.
TaKeN said:
Lol, my tom tom randomly tells me to turn left at the junction, when there is just a bend in the road :confused:
mine too there was a sharp bend and it was saying 2nd left as this is my first navi i cant see if this is good or not,but what i can say is its fun and gets me to most of my locations,but then again ive not been anywhere where i didn't no how to get to
Someone else from Exmouth :o

Hmm, how long has the McDonalds been there.....has got to be about 2.5-3 years I think
well not exmouth im from sidmouth so as you know there is not much to do here,so i used the tomtom to get me to mcdonalds through poi,but it sent me to budleigh past the libary :rolleyes:

i was just saying to a mate how long has it been there seems a life time as we are allways going there lol

its got to be over 5years
I find when you opt for the "shortest" route it often tries to send you down cycle lanes, one way streets and other nicities (one particularly interesting instruction is to turn right on the Parliament Square roundabout - which would probably involve being shot!)
most GPS maps are at least 2 years older than the date the GPS reciever is manifactured / the update is released

this is becaues it takes that long to actually compile all the collected data and make it useful.. so if you put the latest update on i'd say your maps are from Q1 2004, at best.

mine are Q2 2003 - but i dont use tomtom :p
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wigster said:
how would i find out how old the map is i tapped in McDonalds in poi in exmouth and it came up with two McDonalds it took me where there was not one, but McDonalds is about 2miles from that location, so i tapped in the second McDonalds and that took me to another city about 6miles out.
im trying to find out how long McDonalds has been at exmouth and see how old the map is maybe the McDonalds had not been built when the map was done on the tt300 but i can doubt it

so far ive not had any problems accept the mcdonalds, every time i pass a certain point in exmouth it keeps saying its a roundabout its not and never been one if anything i would call it crossroads
We had the same in Edinburgh. We tried two. The first one took us to a residential cul-de-sac (we thought it was a ploy to trap chavs for ritual sacrifice) the second took us to a post office (again, trap chavs just after they've picked up their dole cheques).
ive added new poi mcdonalds ive added poi category but how do i put mcdonalds into that category?

if i go into point of interest the added category is there, i named it burger bars but when i tap it its saying no poi found
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I find if you get the relavent .ov2 file then it should automatically have a catagory of its own when placed in the relavent folder on the PDA.
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