How tidy are you?

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
Personally I don't mind a little bit of mess, the odd crumb or two on the kitchen surface doesn't bother me.

I will leave a used bread board/knife on the side for a little while before i clean it up.

I don't see dirt unless it's quite obvious (i.e. plates everywhere, cooking sauce splashed on the hob), which is when I do something about it.

So are you a clean freak, a laid back occasional tidier like myself, or a complete and utter slob? :p
clean freak Im affraid, hate clutter, a bread crumb on the cutting board after making toast in the morning would annoy me

Doesn't really bother me, I go from having a stupidly messy room to nuking it.

I really do love the feeling of a clean room though.
I'm bordering on OCD, especially at home :/

My GF takes the mick out of me for being so picky, I will literally pick a crumb up off of the kitchen floor, and hate messy worktops in the kitchen.
In my own room, i'm not too bothered, but it's nice when it is tidy.

I now hate having an untidy, unhygenic kitchen, and thank god I've moved out of my student house now, as my housemate was so untidy and so unhygenic in the kitchen, the kitchen now has ants, which are now his problem.
Love to be a clean freak but cba sadly :D In fact, that's not true, I'm very clean, to the point of obsession but I have a healthy distinction between dirty and mess :D. I can't stand dirt, but mess is ok as long as it's clean. :D

My bedroom is messy.

However my office is extremely tidy. When it comes to an efficient working space, I'm basically a German Borg on a stimulant.
Usally let things get a little messy then nuke it all, I'm terrible for tidying as I go but once a week for my offce desk sets it right.
I'm normally a clean person. I'll let my room get a little messy, then will spring-clean it every couple of days. I love a clean room. :cool:

I wish I was a clean freak as I like things to be neat and tidy, just too lazy.

Having said that, what's this OCD all about? As I've noticed I like things to be in perfect order. For example, I'll put my cell phone on the counter on my desk, however it must lay stright and normally in the corner of the desk. Not just anywhere. My keys, they must be hung, can't stay on the desk. I'll move my Shuttle system on my desk so it's top, right and straight inline of the edge of the desk.

I'm not 100% strick on those things, but I like them like that. Otherwise it will bug the hell out of me while I'm sitting at the desk...:(
I seem to have stages of being super clean and then being lazy and letting it build up, normally keep my lounge, kitchen and bathroom clean though just the bedrooms and cupboards that seem to get filled with junk :) I really hate things just lying on the floor, so they normally end up flung in a cupboard then once thats nice and messy clean it out, I also hate seeing cables, power cables running along the floor to the tv, or speaker wires, I really hate them and try to put them under the carpets when I can.
very tidy here.

I can't stand mess or things that look out of place (computer speakers both have to be equal distance from my pc monitor for example :o )

My car is the same - no clutter etc
Communal areas - always spotless. I put stuff away after I've used it. I clean spills and stains if I see them. I don't leave food out, wrap it up and put it away, clean greasy hobs etc.. after using them. It's unfair to leave communal areas untidy for others. Furthermore in hoter climates, you so much as leave milk out for a bit it goes off, or butter etc... Crumbs bring cocroaches ants and other bugs in hotter climes even in London - it's just not worth it. It doesn't take long to tidy up after yourself, or cleaning up the bathroom getting rid of s & c and so on. It's easy and makes it nicer for the other user.

My room? A bit of a mess, but merely from the point of view of papers being stacked ontop of each other, or cables strewn around a bit and clothes all *folded* in a pile on a chair or on the bed. Other than that there is little dust etc... But I like a bit of mess in my "den".
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