I'm looking for advice on how to clean metal window trim or metal coated plastic, I'm not sure what it's exactly on my 2017 Sharan. The finish is more like polished steel/aluminium rather than chrome. There is tarnishing on the trims and on the roof bars, it looks like it's oxidation, water drop staining or both. I've used 0000 steel wool and Mother's metal polish on them which has removed most of it but there's still some residual tarnishing left. I've tried vinegar and it's not helped. I haven't got a polishing machine so would prefer it suggestions can be done by hand. Has anyone tried Maguire's polishing compound or Chemical Guys Light or Heavy Metal Polish for this issue?
It looks like this....
I'm looking for advice on how to clean metal window trim or metal coated plastic, I'm not sure what it's exactly on my 2017 Sharan. The finish is more like polished steel/aluminium rather than chrome. There is tarnishing on the trims and on the roof bars, it looks like it's oxidation, water drop staining or both. I've used 0000 steel wool and Mother's metal polish on them which has removed most of it but there's still some residual tarnishing left. I've tried vinegar and it's not helped. I haven't got a polishing machine so would prefer it suggestions can be done by hand. Has anyone tried Maguire's polishing compound or Chemical Guys Light or Heavy Metal Polish for this issue?
It looks like this....