How to fix these holes?

11 Apr 2004
Do you think a properly prep'd base, using supporting mesh would hold body filler (Isopon actually) securely, or would I need panels welding into place?

I was able to put a screwdriver through the first layer of metal, but the actual structural panel behind it is intact and very strong.

How much would you expect to pay to get this welded?

Thanks :)

Oh btw, the white stuff is Waxoyl
My mate paid £90 per arch for old piece to be cut out, new piece welded in and sprayed! So £180 for both arches! :) Just have new metal welded in! No rust coming back for a while then dude. Filler = botch job.
I dont think you would need a new panel tbh, using supporting mesh and body filler (Isopon actually) should do the job securely. My dad fills in wholes like that all the time:)
SgtTupac, that's only one side :)

The others are all pretty healthy.

I'll ring round a few places tomorrow and see what they suggest.

TinkerBell, did you copy my post :eek: lol, thanks for the input. There are a few other parts of the car that could do with filling/smoothing, so I'll just see what happens when I ring up tomorrow. Thanks :)
agw_01 said:
TinkerBell, did you copy my post :eek: lol, thanks for the input. There are a few other parts of the car that could do with filling/smoothing, so I'll just see what happens when I ring up tomorrow. Thanks :)

Lol being lazy is just tooo easy:p and Np's:)
TinkerBell said:
Liking the added comment to sig Tom

added to mine, just for extra effect


rG-tom said:
to save me effort, i've added a line to my sig



Cheers for the reply Andy. I'm going to try and get hold of a sander or angle grinder this week... see if I can't grind off some more of the metal... don't want the rust spreading.

The car is looking like a right shed at the moment. Front wing covered in brown rust paint (but the rust is gone, wooo), rear sill is full of holes and interesting 'white stuff' and all the bump strips removed for painting.

Anyone know any good tips for preparing bodywork for welding/treating?

Really depends how long you want it to last i guess...

Filler will look fine but won't last anywhere near as long as new metal welded in...
Thanks for the reply SKILL.

How do you mean though... will it start rusting again or will the filler eventually crack and fall out?

agw_01 said:
Anyone know any good tips for preparing bodywork for welding/treating?

Could anyone shed some light on this? How far inside the sill should I treat with Waxoyl/Hammerite? Any how much of the surrounding metal should I cut away, if any at all?

Cheers :)
AGW: I think in most cases once a panel starts to rust it is likely to go again and again, hence the best course is a new panel.

When I sorted mine I sanded back to bare metal, rust treated & put a thin layer of filler and then some paint. Looked good for maybe 7 months then it started rusting again.

Once the tin rot starts its very hard to stop.
cut it off and weld.

wheel arches can take some stick, but filler wont, it'll chip off the first reasonably sized stone that hits it.
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