How to preserve a LCD?

11 Jul 2007
i know CRT's will be more likely to breakdown when being turned on-off on a regular basis.

so what's the best way to make sure LCD's will have the least chance of not developing dead pixel or contrast ratio won't fade?

(never use it isn't an option, sorry :p )

for example: i go away from computer for 30mins at least once everyday. should i simply leave it, or turn the monitor off, or put on screen saver
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A screen-saver will help reduce screen burn, but I would turn them off. If simply to just save energy.
i always though turning CRT on and off would be damaging (keeps hearing a loud crack when i turn my 19inch CRT on)

so would LCD suffer from such problem?
Brightness of CCFLs does fade over time so the brightness of the screen would certainly drop a bit after 5 years of continuous use. I actually think you would be better having the screen switch on/off all the time than just to leave it on, I think leaving it on would made the brightness fade quicker. Presumably the gas molucules lose their ability to become excited and emit photons through use.

I switch my 2007WFP on/off all the time, and apart from the risk of the power button breaking (which is what the warranty is there for) I doubt there's any negative consequences.

I turn my screen off when leaving the PC for more than 30 minutes, but I also have the screensaver on 5 mins (I have read some LCDs can suffer screen burn after many hours displaying the same thing), and the screen set to turn off after 10 mins, but that's to save power.
thanks, turning on and off everytime i am sure im going to be away for a while.

otherwise, i'll just put on screensaver (Ribbons is assigned to a hotkey)
Would personally advise against screensavers, simply because they cause your PC to use more power than if it were just idling (doing nothing), as well as increase heat. Setting the display to turn off after 25-30 mins should be more than enough; it's certainly not enough time to cause any screenburn or anything.
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