How to tell if you have worms

6 Nov 2005
After reading the thread on raw meat, it got me thinking about worms. There are different types of worm that you can get, but how would you know if, in fact, you were actually harbouring worms and they were feeding off your food? Obviously, as humans we won't be going around rubbing our arses on the floor like dogs, so what clues are there?

Reading around the net is very vague, and makes you think you've actually got them, so does anyone have first hand experience, or know anyone that has?

Dogs only rub their arses on the floor when they actually have worms, it's by no means them trying to see. It's a simple fact that it itches like crazy and that's how they soothe it. That's one symptom.
its very common amongst younger kids, the most common being pinworm

Pinworm can infect one in five children. Symptoms are itching and irritation of the anus or vagina, digestive disorders, insomnia, irritability or nervousness. Female worms crawl out of the anus and lay about 15,000 eggs per day. Once airborne, the eggs can survive about two days anywhere in your living environment.

Daveyboy said:
After reading the thread on raw meat, it got me thinking about worms. There are different types of worm that you can get, but how would you know if, in fact, you were actually harbouring worms and they were feeding off your food? Obviously, as humans we won't be going around rubbing our arses on the floor like dogs, so what clues are there?

Reading around the net is very vague, and makes you think you've actually got them, so does anyone have first hand experience, or know anyone that has?


Noddles haning out of you bum = hey you've got worms.

Or your a sicko ! who takes pleasure in pasta !
I remember when I was on holiday in Wales when I was 5 or 6. I came running out the loo in the middle of a busy pub and shouted "Mummy, I've **** worms!", those exact words.

The medicine I had to drink was the most ghastly stuff ever too. An itchy rectum is the usual symptom of worms, as well as worms floating in the loo after a poo, of course.
Just to make sure you dont have worms iu Sugest eating 1 or 2 or more cloves of raw Garlic :)

Its cheaper then a Doctor and it will kill the worms dead iof there are any :D

Oh, just dont go out in public for a few days.

And take a hotm bath because it will also clean your body from impuritys :)

Garlic, Natures wonder drug :cool:
Zip said:
Just to make sure you dont have worms iu Sugest eating 1 or 2 or more cloves of raw Garlic :)

Its cheaper then a Doctor and it will kill the worms dead iof there are any :D

Garlic, Natures wonder drug :cool:

Is that fact? or an old wives tale?
Steedie said:
Is that fact? or an old wives tale?

Its true, Garlic is Legendry :)

If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug. Garlic has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, but until recently its benefits were considered little more than folklore. Medical studies have shown that garlic can lower cholesterol, prevent dangerous blood clots, protect LDL cholesterol and the endothelial lining of the arterial system against oxidation, reduce blood pressure, prevent cancer, and protect against bacterial and fungal infections.

Now from the same site but posted for a Laugh :D :D :D

Pinworm Infection
Studies in humans support the use of garlic to treat various worms, including pinworm. [Garlic: The Science and Therapeutic Application of Allium sativum L. and Related Species. Williams & Wilkins, 1996, pp.173-4] In addition to consuming garlic, consider carefully peeling a raw garlic clove (don't scratch or nick it), then insert into rectum before bed.
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