and my images

Well each to their own I guess, personally I try to avoid screwing people over for no gain. If there's something to gain, all bets are off and each case on it's merits but when there's nothing to be gained...well that's a little sociopathic to me.

I've been reserved with my replies to you, but now you are talking total rubbish i'm afraid.

Lets put this very simply:

*Nobody is going to end up on the dole anytime soon due to me giving away a few photos. The company would have just got photos for free from another amateur if i had refused.

*Who are you to decide there is 'no gain' as you keep saying. I've said several times, I take photos as a hobby and my hobby is not in any way motivated by money. Seeing my work in print with my website address on it is really a great thing as far as i am concerned. Try to stop seeing this through £ tinted glasses.

*Do you honestly expect me to not give away my work for the good of the photography industry?! An industry (containing people i have never met) that will not altered in the slightest due to this episode.

I think you need to get real and put this into context :)
I don't want to seem like I'm out to criticise the OP here, I just think the argument about why you shouldn't give away photos like that is worth having.

Fair comment, and it's been a healthy debate, which is always a good thing :)

Like i said though, we need to keep this particular case in context and not get carried away.
I'm also moderately surprised given your attitude you aren't more concerned you're getting taken for a ride by the publishers who *are* making a profit from this make no mistake.

I've already stated a few times that my photography is not motivated by money.

Good luck to them, they've clearly found a way of making a few quid from a small outlay. Isn't that how business works?
The one thing that nobody has proven, is that the company in question will actually pay for the content in these regional test runs that they are trying out. If the fact of the matter is that the whole reason these small test runs exists is by sourcing free material, then none of the arguments in here are relevant. If as they say the test runs prove popular and it moves to a larger run next year where they do pay for the content, well the OP is in a very good position isn't he?

Yeah, they have already told me that if the calender sells and they use my stuff again for the main run for 2013, i will get paid.

Perhaps though if the calender does sell in the test run, they may look to get 'proper' images for the main runs and then the 'real' photographers will get paid after all!
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Sorry to drag up an old thread but the calender sold quite well, well enough for the company to approach me again to use my work for a 2013 calender, and this time they are paying me so it all turned out well in the end.
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