Human Shields

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First human shields to arrive in Iraq
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq says it will soon receive the first batch of Arab and European volunteers ready to act as human shields in case the United States launches a military attack. "We are in the process of receiving the first group of volunteers who like to act as human shields," the secretary-general of the Iraq-based Arab Popular Forces Conference, Saad Qasim Hammoudi, told Reuters. "These people will be distributed to vital and strategic installations in all Iraqi governorates," Hammoudi, who is also a senior member of the ruling Baath Party, said on Monday. "We are expecting volunteers even from the United States and European countries," he added. "This is a practical Arab and international reaction to the hostile buildup of troops in the Gulf and neighbouring countries." The United States is forging ahead with a military build-up that could place more than 100,000 troops in the Gulf region in coming weeks. Washington has said Iraq is in "material breach" of a U.N. resolution ordering it to declare its weapons of mass destruction, and says it will take military action unless Iraq disarms. Last time Iraq used people as human shields was in December 1998 when Washington and London launched an extensive air and missile bombing campaign for Iraq's alleged failure to cooperate with U.N. arms experts. Hundreds of Iraqi volunteers were used as human shields in a number of presidential palaces scattered in Baghdad and other main Iraqi cities.

Exactly - well if these volunteers want to leave our countries and go and sit on a bomb target then good luck to em - just dont expect any sympathy when a large explosive device lands on them...

or even better - mark them with a radio transponder - so when they go and 'shield' a strategic installation the planes know exactly what to hit...
Originally posted by sedm1000
Killing of innocent people not an issue then?:rolleyes:

Innocent iraqis are important
Stupid do-gooders sticking their noses in arent.

Unfortunately the western governments will see it differently.
Originally posted by Balddog
Innocent iraqis are important
Stupid do-gooders sticking their noses in arent.

Unfortunately the western governments will see it differently.

Even "stupid do-gooders" who are trying to save those
same innocent Iraqis?
Surely the moment they volunteer to be human shields they can no longer be described as innocents?

Its not like the planes will be bombing their homes in europe etc, though im guessing that some of these people are the type that would run into a clearly marked minefield and then sue for injury..
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Is George Galloway amongst them? Would be no surprise though if he was :rolleyes:

As Balddog says, innocent Iraqis are one thing, stupid do-gooders are another. If these people want to place themselves in harms way and risk their lives for their principles, them let them, but I have no sympathy for them if a war starts and they are killed for they CHOSE to be in such a position, rather than being killed accidentally. They knew the risks, and feel their principles are worth it, so if they are bombed i won't be crying for they knew what couldn happen. Watch the loony left go ape when/if some of them are killedhappens though.

Who are they going to help anyway? Saddam Hussein and thats all. If you want to help innocent Iraqis, join the red crescent or whatever, don't think by sitting in Saddams control centres or ministry buildings you're helping anyone but him.

Some of the Arab volunteers may be Al Qaeda wanting to fight against America perhaps, so with luck a few of them might be facing the sharp end of a B-52 as well.
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Originally posted by Lupis
Even "stupid do-gooders" who are trying to save those
same innocent Iraqis?

Yes because there are better ways to go about things..

PS, can you explain to me how standing outside a presidential palace is going to protect the innocent iraqi civilians in the cities? "Vital and strategic installations", does that sound like its going to be civilian areas?

If they go and stand outside hospitals, schools, civilian neighbourhoods and the like then my opinion would be different.
As Balddog says, innocent Iraqis are one thing, stupid do-gooders are another. If these people want to place themselves in harms way and risk their lives for their principles, them let them, but I have no sympathy for them if a war starts and they are killed for they CHOSE to be in such a position, rather than being killed accidentally. They knew the risks, and feel their principles are worth it, so if they are bombed i won't be crying for they knew what couldn happen. Watch the loony left go ape when/if some of them are killedhappens though.

Well said..:)

Well if they need some volunteers how about we send the 2 Rover workers over for a start...Infact could be a whole resolution to out imigration problem..

Saddam needs imigrants...SEND them OURS!!! Dam what a top idea..:)

Originally posted by Balddog
Yes because there are better ways to go about things..

PS, can you explain to me how standing outside a presidential palace is going to protect the innocent iraqi civilians in the cities? "Vital and strategic installations", does that sound like its going to be civilian areas?

If they go and stand outside hospitals, schools, civilian neighbourhoods and the like then my opinion would be different.

exactly they are going to go and stand infront of military bases and istallations then i say goodbye to them they are silly fools. If they stand in front of schools, hospitals etc then fair enough.

Otherwise i really dont care less as drago says in rocky

"If he dies, He dies"
Well they shouldn't have to go and stand outside hospitals
schools etc, because they should not be targeted in the
first place. Although with the americans amazing ability to
screw up they will probably be prime targets. And do you
think that everyone that works for the Iraqi government
deserves to die? Plus "vital and strategic targets" include power
stations, bridges, airports, road and rail networks. They are
NOT just military targets.
a opposed to iraqs probable friends al queda who dont attack military installationss or vital infrastructure, no they just go straight out and fly planes into 2 civilian populated buildings killing over 5000 people.
Originally posted by Lupis
Well they shouldn't have to go and stand outside hospitals
schools etc, because they should not be targeted in the
first place. Although with the americans amazing ability to
screw up they will probably be prime targets. And do you
think that everyone that works for the Iraqi government
deserves to die? Plus "vital and strategic targets" include power
stations, bridges, airports, road and rail networks. They are
NOT just military targets.


For the record, I believe everyone in the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone within the Iraqi military that supports the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone in the scientific community that supports the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone who works for the Iraqi govt in oppression of the Iraqi people deserves to die.

PS, all the things you listed are military targets in time of war.
Originally posted by memphisto
a opposed to iraqs probable friends al queda who dont attack military installationss or vital infrastructure, no they just go straight out and fly planes into 2 civilian populated buildings killing over 5000 people.

If you have evidence of this friendship of Iraqs with Al Qaeda
I'd give it to the CIA I'm sure they'd love to get their hands on
Originally posted by Balddog

For the record, I believe everyone in the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone within the Iraqi military that supports the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone in the scientific community that supports the Iraqi govt deserves to die. Everyone who works for the Iraqi govt in oppression of the Iraqi people deserves to die.

PS, all the things you listed are military targets in time of war.

completely agree again Balddog.
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