Hungarian Grand Prix 2016, Budapest - Race 11/21

Beautiful slowmo shot of vettel going through that puddle from the other end of the straight through the heat haze.

I'd have a print of that.
Bottas is on his 7th set of tyres just in qualifying.

3 sets of wet, 3 sets of inters and a set of super soft tyres. They were all new.

another set of ss for Bottas now, he went to early and pushed for his second hot lap too soon, should have cruised for 2 laps then went for it at the end.

Alonso may have done the same, pushed too hard too soon?
Have a lot of people messed up with pushing tires, leaving it too late and going to get pipped at the end.

EDIT- jesus, watching on skygo which is always a little behind, crazy close. Perez shouldn't be out, Bottas got lucky and pitted for new tires if he hadn't he'd be out.
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