I am stuck!!!! 930BF vs VP930

18 Oct 2002
I need a new TFT, I have two choices (not going for WS atm)

So I have decided on either :

Samsung SM930-BF @ £248.45


Viewsonic VP930 @ £299.61

I play games, watch videos, some image manipulation, and use the net a lot. So I'd really like something tat will be able to provide a decent image in the different aspects.

I am atm leaning towards the Viewsonic and at sub £300 I am very tempted, but can anyone just quickly tell me to do it hehe, I need just a bit more of a push to go and buy it today :)
Cheers Baddass :) Yeah I read up on the P-MVA and TN, I guess I was worried about the gaming aspect, but then again I shouldn't really worry, I am using a TFT with the HyDis panel for my main screen.
I have it sat in front of me now :) absdolutely love it, however the base has annoyed me, as it is very bulky, and the monitor sits too close to me atm, but I'll be moving in the summer and will have more room for a better desk :)

Cheers for your advice! It is a stunning monitor!!! And for just £299 a bargain :)
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