I didn't realise Jeeps were fast!

20 Mar 2003
On the stool at the end of the bar
While out on a gentle drive tonight in my FTO i stumbled across a little Jeep Grand Cherokee. We were plodding along single roads and then joined a dual carriageway where i thought i would show him a proper car..............

However, much to my annoyment, just as i floored it he did as well and i struggled to keep up :eek:

shortly after this it dropped back to single lane and i was right behind him as we came up to a roundabout exiting to dual carriageway again. Now by this time he obviously new i wanted to play and we took a lane each and floored it as much as we could. Much to my amazement he stayed with me all the way to 110 mph (on my private dual carriageway, obviously ;) ). At this point i was thinking my FTO must be down on power but it would appear that after some research it may not be -


A Jeep that does 0-60 in 7.1 :eek: Well, that explains why i had troubles keeping up :D

At least when i went past him i got a little flash off him for the fun ;)
Freefaller said:
It's embarassing and irritating isn't it? :p If it was any other car bar a 4x4 it would be acceptable... well to a certain extent :p

no, it still wouldn't be acceptable, i am the fastest car on the road :D well, i do live in norfolk and i'm not used to anything doing more than 20mph :)
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