I feel like such an idiot.

23 Nov 2004
I went into college today to speak with my head of school about a resit that i thought was next Thursday,the day before my coursework is due in.

I go in and my face goe from :) to :eek: as he tells me the exam is tomorow!

I cant believe i never bothered to look at the exam timetable again. :(

Im just thankful i didnt turn up the day after the exam looking to sit it like a mate of mine did last year :p
Glad to hear you learned it the not quite so hard way, that would've been awful :(

Get revising!
PsiFox said:

Proper Planning Prevents ****(urine) Poor Performance


The lazy side got the better of me :confused:

I felt about | | that size when he was like :confused: the exams tomorow...uh oh.

So....organisational theory... :(
PsiFox said:

Proper Planning Prevents ****(urine) Poor Performance

Language :p


You've clearly never seen America fight a war ;) :p

(the above may or may not be true)
Ah that brings back memories.

I remember when I was 16/17 and going into take one of my AS exams with a friend (same class) to find out it was the day before.

I still don't quite know how that happened to this day!
Ooh this is an old thread but i aint starting a new one.

Got a phonecall from my head lecturer when i was out from a drive with a girlfriend just there....**** a brick then i realised it was him and not my work(similar number) but thankfully he said i've passed and it was a pretty good attempt!

:D Kinda giving me the enthusiasm to finish my coursework for the same class as i was putting it off since i thought i had failed the exam.

Yass :D Think im going for a pint tbh.
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