I have been very stupid

19 Nov 2002
I have been slightly stupid

Well today went to get illuminated gearknob (ooer misses) fitted to mx5. Came back unsure if it was working due to bright sunshine. Now you might think the next bit is me being stupid, not so. I covered the car in a duvet to see if things were lighting up, but none of the interior illumination was working. Checked the fuses and sure enough that one was blown. At this point I decided to stick in the fuse from the aircon, desperate to see my illuminated knob.
So now I have no illumination or aircon. Pants.

would like title edited to avoid upsetting any forum members "very" to "slightly"
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Erm, 'grats. :confused:

So at the end of the day you have some shoddy wiring somewhere, and two blown fuses, not exactly "very stupid" nor the end of the world.
paradigm said:
So at the end of the day you have some shoddy wiring somewhere, and two blown fuses, not exactly "very stupid" nor the end of the world.

Agreed. I expected something really stupid, like you'd gone out and bought a Corsa or something.

paradigm said:
Erm, 'grats. :confused:

So at the end of the day you have some shoddy wiring somewhere, and two blown fuses, not exactly "very stupid" nor the end of the world.
I thought the stupid bit was the illuminated gearknob :p
Serj said:
Doesn't surprise me, ever looked in your rear view mirror? :eek:

:D ;)

you dont see that spoiler in the rear view mirror, its too high :p

tho he does have to be careful going under low bridges!
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