I really loathe three customer service

5 Jul 2003
I swear it takes 4 calls over 4 days to resolve anything.

This time: leaving three!

I called on 17th August to give thirty days notice. I was told that I could get a PAC code later, towards my contract termination (20th september) without affecting everything.

Three days ago I call back for my PAC code, I am told that I will be resetting the notice period by requesting a PAC code.

OK manager request time. I am told to expect a call between 7-8pm that day. Nothing happens. I call back for the next 3 days and go through the same fiasco.

SO bored of this now. Indian call centres do not work!
Of course you do, why are you surprised?
3 have disgusting customer service and always have done.

Dont bother with the manager, google "leaving 3" there you will be given details of the necessary regulatory body to ring and they will tell you what to do.

The Usual 3 scam is 12 month contracts that last 13 months, IE you cant give notice to leave until you have paid a full a 12 months, where as everyone else lets you give notice on month 11 and month 12 is your final bill.
I had to phone 3 for the first time since starting the contract 18 months ago the other day and it was fine.

I phoned to cancel my 3 contract and the lady on the other end said that's fine but I needed to give 30 days notice which meant that I had to pay my monthly charge of £40. She arranged for me to be put on a monthly rolling contract of £10 per month which I have to sign up to for at least one month then give my 30 days notice of cancellation. This means that I will pay only £20 rather than the initial £40 had I have stayed on my original contract.

Good service if you ask me.
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