I want a black 20 incher

10 Nov 2006
I'm going to upgrade from my Hannsg 19" as I want to run a higher res than 1440*900 but I dont want a 22" as I believe they run the same res as a 20". So whats popular with you guys, want a nice response time,crisp image and nothing that looks to ugly on me desktop, oh and silver is fine also :D
Dell 2007WFP.
As for the response time its 16ms but thats for white to black or something and the response time you see on other monitors is grey to grey (I think) which on this monitor is 8ms or so.
Thinking of getting one myself when Overclockers get some more in.
Robbie G said:
Is it worth going from 19" to 20", even with the > resolution?

I thought the same but I was at a lan yesterday and it actually made a surprisingly large difference.

Definitely the 2007wfp, the contrast ratio isn't with any active contrast (which personally I cannot stand) either like some other manufacturers state.
Loowi_ashley said:
Do you guys mean the Dell 207WFP or the 2007WFP UltraSharp?

Also considering this as a second though in a 20" Clicky Click
The Ultrasharp one is the one everyone is talking about, this one. The Dell is better quality panel than that Asus and has more inputs, unfortunately out of stock atm though.
i find 20" a bit too big and quite literally a pain in the *** to swivel on my desktop
I just moved from a 19"w to a 2007WFP and i'd say the increase is small but still significant. It's not a "wow huuge" difference but worthwhile imo, particularly for the extra vertical height. Plus the higher quality panel is very noticeable compared to the cheap TN panel I had before.

Oh, it's glossy black and silver too ;)
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