I want to buy Chrono Cross on PSN ;_;

19 Dec 2009
I've got an American PSN account. But is there anyway I can use the money from my EU account? If not, has anyone got any experience with buying American games like this?
You can't transfer cash from an EU account to a US account because technically you're not supposed to have a US account (we all do, though ;) )
You can, however, buy US PSN cards from sites such as http://electronicfirst.com/
I've used them, you can pay them via paypal and they email the code within a few minutes.
You can't transfer cash from an EU account to a US account because technically you're not supposed to have a US account (we all do, though ;) )
You can, however, buy US PSN cards from sites such as http://electronicfirst.com/
I've used them, you can pay them via paypal and they email the code within a few minutes.

Oh wow, you can buy $10 cards off this site. That's fantastic.

Thanks a lot guys, appreciate it
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