I want to go on a mile and a half run....

Oh for **** sake...


I'll give you a clue, what you are looking for starts with an M, ends with a P and contains an A. Though seeing as you had to ask, you'll probably end up with a headphone amp.
Give him a break, try the above suggestions or get some one with a car to drive a route out for you.

Edit - try this - http://www.goodrunguide.co.uk/RoutePlanner.asp?HomeBut=MapRoutes

BTW, if it is for the forces then its not that hard to run 1.5 miles in the time required (10mins 30secs iirc) but aim to get into the low 9mins at least and eventually do the run in some Army issue boots.
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Was you planning on running one way for a mile and half and then turning around to run back the other way?

Is there not a big park near you or something you can go for a jog around?

its free and it tracks your runs, clocked up 300 miles this year according to run keeper :)

plus mile and a half, man up!
What you need is mirror on the moon and a large laser, you first shine the light on the mirror and record the angle that it returns to the second point. Then you transverse another point between the two positions that will reflect back to where you are standing, you can then use 2s=CT, so s=1/2CT where C is the speed of light and T is the time taken between flashing the lazer and receiving the reflection back. Now here is the clever part, you can now use Tan rule to find distance X, Now to Find Y you will need to transverse to the other point to find angle theta, then you can just use tan Rule to find Y.
So there you have it, you have Y and X, so you simply add them together.

How is this not in GD, it's a fairly technical problem! It took me ages to figure out how to solve this!
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