i5 - Core temp Monitoring? Core Temp NO

15 Jul 2008
Core Temp seems not to work on my i5 lappy. Windows 7 64bit. Its a Toshiba Satellite Pro.

What else can I use? How hot should it get to before I worry. It shut its self down the other night as it got too hot!
HWMonitor :)

Desktop usage might be between 40oC and 50oC... if both cores fully used, id expect temp of between 70oC and 80oC! Perhaps slightly more!

It would only shut down if it got SUPER hot, the i5 should start to drastically de-clock itself if anther of the cores hit 100oC to prevent damage :)
Weird, Core Temp works on my i5 laptop. I also use Realtemp and HWMonitor, both work good. I idle between 40 and 50c and max temp I've had with intelburntest on maximum stress is 76c, but most of the time it was hitting 72c.
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