2 Dec 2012
Hi 8 Pack. I have a i7 3770k that came overclocked at 4.6ghz with 8gb of ram. These were the settings it came with settings.
Since I got it I felt the Vcore was too high and got it down to 1.28 and still stable. Since then I saw you got the same processor to the same speed with 1.184v. I know all processors are different but is there any advice on how to bring mine down at least a little closer to yours.

I have it with a custom water cooled loop but it still breaks 70c under prime as is.

Thanks a lot.
Firstly THANK YOU! Clearly not had time to fully test it but already booted at a lower Vcore than possible before. (had to remove Cmos a lot until I realised I read what you put wrong and was putting the wrong values in xD ). Would be great if someone could quickly explain the relation between Vcore and PLL, is it the larger the PLL the less the Vcore can be, and what are the drawbacks/risks?

Followup for anyone interested in how it all went. Before I started much under 1.27 and I would not get into windows @ 4.6ghz. dropped my PLL down to 1.65 and with that got my Vcore down to 1.25. Kept reducing the PLL ended at 1.5v pll with 1.22v vcore. Might be able to go lower but want to stop here and fully check it but I am running prime while doing this and no obvious problems. Clearly I need to run a lot longer to make sure but first signs look good. Surprisingly temps have not changed all that much but hey ho. Might have just been my CPU but I needed medium LLC to stop vdroop might get away with low though.
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