Ibanez RG370 DX

5 Aug 2003
Been looking to buy one of these guitars..... Are they any good would anybody recommend this model?

Not a bad budget guitar, don't really like that colour combination tbh.

They've got Infinity 3 and 4 pickups, which sound like trash. So, if you do buy it I'd switch pickups to Dimarzios if I were you. The bridge is probably the worst Edge bridge around. I've got a RG320FM with Edge III. I had the same pickups but replaced them with DiMarzio D-Sonic (bridge) and Air Norton (neck). Also got a custom RG1520G with Edge Pro (a lot more stable with tunings, and better built) and the above pickups. They are awesome.
Na it's not very good at all. I've found one for £244...

For a little more than that price you could get a second hand RG5XX series off that popular auction site. RG550s regularly go for around the £250-300 price range, some even in very good condition.

The only gripe with the budget RG models (basically anything below RG5XX or RG1550) is that they have poor trems, the Edge 3 being the lowest quality locking trem Ibanez manufacture at the moment. If you got a second hand RG550 or something then It'd even have the Lo-pro edge or the edge trem, or the newer Edge-Pro. These trems have been and are on the highest Ibanez guitars you can buy (Such as the Vai and Satriani signature models, J-Customs etc).

Chances are even if you buy a stock RG550 it'll have at least Ibanez V7 and V8 pickups, which are better than the INF pickups in the 370 you're looking at. You may even find an RG which has had a pickup upgrade.

I can't stress it enough really, buy second hand! You can get some good bargains and RGs are ten a penny on the auction site most of the time.

EDIT: Of course all this information may be rubbish if you haven't played an RG before, make sure you actually like the feel of the body and necks first.
What are the auction sites for guitars?

Would anyone have any suggestions to guitars to buy i like the Ibanez/Jackson Styles

This 1 has DiMarzio,s

Thx Shotgun
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That's a JEM (Steve Vai sig), and a real one would set you back around £1000 or more. I'd never buy a sig guitar, unless it was a EBMM Petrucci, or an Ibanez JP :P

Go with what Andelusion says and get a second hand RG with a Lo Pro or Edge pro trem. There might be some paint damage but that isn't much of a problem, or some fret wear.

Do you need a tremolo? Floyd Roses can be a pain to set up, but when they are set up right they're great.
KRU Shotgun said:
This 1 has DiMarzio,s
Odd colour hardware, is it a real one anyone? Thought they were all gold coloured... Looks much better as above.

Oooh, it has a marker at the 24th fret, is it a Jem555? Apparently these are only for sale where 'normal' jems are too expensive.. I hear they are terrible! Not played one mind.
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I have an RG370DX. It's a really nice guitar for the money, although I've replaced the pickups in mine. It has a really nice action and the trem is great. I'd reccommend it to anyone really.
Ascendancy said:
I have an RG370DX. It's a really nice guitar for the money, although I've replaced the pickups in mine. It has a really nice action and the trem is great. I'd reccommend it to anyone really.
What make pick ups did u change to m8?
KRU Shotgun said:
What are the auction sites for guitars?

Would anyone have any suggestions to guitars to buy i like the Ibanez/Jackson Styles

This 1 has DiMarzio,s

Thx Shotgun

That's a Jem555, the budget Jem.

It's basically an RG with the body routes, and a worse trem. It features the Edge pro 2, this is the trem which is the next step up from the one in the RG370 (which has the Edge Pro 3).

The Jem7v which I have, has the Edge Pro (mine is an older model so has the lo-pro). Basically if it's a Japanese made Ibanez it'll have an Edge Pro, if it's a Korean made Ibanez it'll have an Edge Pro 2, if it's Indonesian made it'll have a Edge Pro 3.

The Jem555 really isn't worth the money. It's got DiMarzio pickups but still has a worse trem. It's cheaper to buy an RG550 and replace the pickups, than try and replace a Edge Pro 2 trem to something better, you can't just swap the bridges over either as the body routing for the Edge Pro 2 is different to that of the Edge Pro, and you can't replace any Edge Pro trems with the earlier Lo-Pro or Edge trems either as the routes are completely different.

I'll say it again as it really is the best option if you want the best guitar for your money: Go secondhand and get an RG 5 series! *pulls hair out* :p

alexthecheese said:
Anybody know anything about the Ibanez S470's? How do they compare to the RG's?

They have 22 fret necks instead of the RG's 24. They also have a more curved and slim body design. The new S470s also use the relatively new Ibanez ZR (Zero Resistance) trem. It still has the crappy INF pickups, but those can of course be changed.

The ZR trem is a bit of a more complicated unit than the Edges, it has a stabling arm which works to stiffen up the trem slightly.

The S series is completely different to the RG series really. You've got to try one out to see what you think, you might not like the feel of the trem.

The biggest difference is the body shape really, I find either just as comfortable.
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Well i,ve decided to go with the RG370 DX seens i,m only an intamediate & is arriving this morning gonna wait till i really get into it before i splash out money on a really great guitar

Thx for all your info,s fella,s

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