IcyBox IB-NAS900 \ NAS and SMB query

22 Oct 2006
'lo all.

Just grabbed this:

Icybox NAS 9000.

I've popped in the IDE drive, connected it through the router, and can happily log into the admin function. I've formatted the disk, and can see the 'public' folder, for SMB sharing.

So, I'm trying to use the thing now.

I can map a drive to the public folder (or to any of the other folders I create) and view them, but the moment I try and create any files, or folders using the Windows Explorer interface, it grinds to a halt, and freezes (the window shows 'not responding')

About 2/3 minutes later, the windows free up, and the network drive is 'disconnected' - a few more seconds later, and they're reconnects, and I can browse - but no folder there, or files have been moved.

Looks like it's trying to freeze up when doing things there.

Any hints?

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium - I'll have a go from a networked XP machine later on...
An update - it's definitely something to do with Vista.

I've booted up the trusty old XP laptop, which (while creaking and groaning like the TARDIS) managed to go to a mapped drive, create a few folders, and copy a file across.

Then, the Mac Mini could easily add the SMB share, and throw things back and forth.

And even the (cough cough)XBMC on an old Xbox(cough) could see the shares fine.

I can see the things when I'm viewing again in Vista - but the moment I go to create a new folder or file - again, the freeze up. It's only vista's explorer on *that* window freezing up as well. The NAS unit can be accessed by other things at that point.

So - looks like SMB being a bit sick when it comes to Vista - any pointers?
I have exactly the same NAS and Vista Business and I get exactly the same problem and have not found a solution for this.

The only way I can get files off the NAS using vista is to FTP into the NAS and download the file i want, cant stream like I used to be able to in Vista.

Not much help on the icybox website as its all German, would be interested if anyone else had managed to overcome this in Vista.
Sounds like it's either:

- SMB in Vista (I know it's using something called SMB 2.0 ; but it's supposed to be 'backwardsly compatible)
- the IB-900 needs a firmware upgrade.

Anyone else suggest things to try?
Tried upgrading the firmware from the icybox page, the download is in german though and the document detailing how to install the firmware is also in German. Tried translating it but wouldnt let me upgrade the firmware from what is already on. Not too sure about the SMB it hadnt occured to me, dont know if we can downgrade it.
I couldn't see how to upgrade the firmware either.

I've mailed their 'support' team - we'll see if this helps. However, it's clearly a Vista problem.
....but being impatient, did some further digging.

IcyBox's NAS controller for the IB-900 is based on a firmware from 'LanDisk'.

And... i've found this article


leading to this file


...which is the LANDISK firmware upgrade. Now, big warning here; this is not the firmware that IcyBox produce, but it does seem to work. I have done it on my own one, and I'm sure that anyone who does use this does so at their own risk. I'm impatient. I take no responsibility if you are ;)

So now I have my SMB working in Vista.

For those who *do* have patience, this shows that it is a firmware problem, and should be resolved at some point in the future.

I have noticed that copying large files can take an age - but I've also read reviews saying that the IcyBox is comparatively slow. That's fine for me, I want to store non-critical stuff there.

So - all solved. For now!
Spoke only slightly too soon; while trying to copy, it hangs.

However, RaidSonic's tech support team have got in contact with me, and have given me their version of the firmware. And it appears to be working fantaastically.

I don't know why it isn't on their website, but if anyone wants it, they can PM me.
reech said:
Spoke only slightly too soon; while trying to copy, it hangs.

However, RaidSonic's tech support team have got in contact with me, and have given me their version of the firmware. And it appears to be working fantaastically.

I don't know why it isn't on their website, but if anyone wants it, they can PM me.

Reech, would you be able to email me the new version of the firmware that works well with Vista? Absolute legend!

my email is EMAIL (no spaces)

Many thanks, was it in German the firmware upgrade?
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The Upgrade is in English.

I still notice a 'long time to copy' bug; but this part seems to be to do with Vista itself, so I'll wait for an official Microsoft fix for that.

Firmware has been sent on just now...
I also had a problem connecting to my NAS with samba in Vista. I promptly took Vista right off my machine and installed linux. My solution to the Vista compatability issues: use XP!
reech said:
The Upgrade is in English.

I still notice a 'long time to copy' bug; but this part seems to be to do with Vista itself, so I'll wait for an official Microsoft fix for that.

Firmware has been sent on just now...

Worked a treat, can now stream my movies off it now :D
excellent, leon.

I've sorted out mine for some TV recording and watching now. It's working fine. Streaming is great.

Still a bit slow when copying files across; but I can just download, then move across, and it's all done! Beautiful!
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