IE9 history and search deletion

25 Jul 2005
I've been using IE9 for a while now but just noticed the other day that my history is still saved. With IE8 and FF I just click CCleaner every so often and it deletes stuff in the recycle bin and history etc. I've been doing this as usual but just realised that past pages still come up.

On investigating a bit more even when using the delete option in the IE options itself they still don't delete. They do appear to delete if I manually click each one when they appear under the address bar though.

Anyone else found this kwirk?

EDIT: Although it seems even more odd now, some sites I visit regularly (and most popular sites in new tabs) do appear to delete.:confused:

(And no, suprisingly it's not me trying to hide porn, i'm the only one that has access to this commputer. :p)
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