If you could move out of the UK...

3 Dec 2008
.. Would you? Say hypothetically that you're assured of a job at the same level/pay you are now, no mortgage worries or visa problems, family could come... would you move? And where? Or would you stay in the UK? If you're not from the UK, would you ever consider moving to it?

Personally I'd love to migrate to Melbourne, Australia. It's the perfect counter to all of the things I can't stand in the UK. I've got family there too, which is always a bonus.

A part of me thinks though that I would eventually miss the little things I've come to hate in the UK.
Yep. I'm also looking at New Zealand and I'll likely move there as soon as I'm able to unless I discover a compelling reason to stay here in the UK.
Having just got back from travelling, mainly to Australia and New Zealand. I can definitely say i'd never leave the UK. It certainly makes you appreciate England when your actually live in these other countries for a while. I mean they're great for travelling and they have a lot of benefits to living there but it'll never be home, not to me anyway.

It's far from perfect here, but it's a fantastic country and I think you have to leave here for a while to fully appreciate it.

Before I left for travelling I was considering moving abroad to Oz/NZ. Decision now made :D
I would move abroad but only if i had enough money behind me so that i didnt need to work.

So retirement to another country - YES, move there to work - Probably NO.

Never say never though.
If I was going to move it would probably be to Canada, I've got a few friends there and really enjoyed myself when I was there before. If necessary I'm pretty sure I could adapt to most European countries although really I'm quite happy in the UK for the moment, despite what many say it is a good place to live.
I live and work abroad for a UK company. Living abroad is overrated. Theres so many pitfalls that you dont see until you move out there, that after a while it isnt as rosy as it was when you were in the UK.
People love Australia and want to live here, but for example you have to pay higher tax, you have to pay australian tax on all your foreign investments if you become a citizen, plus a few other things I wont go into detail on.
Of all the places I have lived, the 2 places that stand out most to me are Switzerland and Thailand. I cant buy a house in Thailand however because foreigners can only own 50% max of any property or business. Id probably go with Switzerland, somewhere near Zurich.
Without thinking I'd move! I plan to move anyway once I've got some moola together and I'm fully prepared etc.
yes Australia. i have relatives in Perth & really regret not doing it when i was younger whilst i had the opportunity. i'm to old now.
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