If you was to setup a 5-10 user gaming network or larger...

14 Nov 2002
What manufacturer and product would you use?

Ive got the dlink gamer products on the list, but im unsure as to whatelse would be ok? Werer using a gigabit netgear 5 port router and a 108mpbs broadband wireless router at the moment, however were having some problems with it - mainly when searching for servers on steam it crashes the router o_O

So i just want a list of what people would go out and buy if it was them - purely performance based.

5-10 user is very small so the kit should always cope, i would suggest that your router is either very rubbish or faulty in some way.

FWIW, Ive ran 15 user type lans at my house and always used either a netgear 48port switch, or a cisco 2950 24 port switch, along with either a cisco 1712 for net access via DSL expansion, linksys WAG54G, or lately a belkin 7633. All have been rock solid. This kit has been because its what ive had laying around at the time, but i'd say that any half decent kit should cope.
Are you planning on having 5-10 people on the LAN accessing games online? That'll be very problematic due to the limited amount of upstream bandwidth that home connections have.
Normal issue was the server browser opened so many connections the router crashed. With 5 users doing it simultaneously the problem just gets worse.
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