If you where buying a xbox 360 tomorrow?...

22 Jun 2004
Bangkok, Thailand (formally London)

I'm still considering getting a 360, but wouldn't know what game(s) I would get with it if I bought one say tomorrow.

So my question is, if you didn't own a 360, and where heading out to pick yourself up one, what ONE game would you get with it?

I have a few id choose, so just want to see which one of those pops up (if it does)?

Tough question dude, tough question. Purely because there are a lot of very, very good games for the 360 already.

But my choice would probably be PGR3.

It's good single player, but excels online and has great longevity because of it. You can't beat having races against total strangers from around the world.
And it also shows off the 360's capablities quite nicely.

Of course, I might wake up in the morning and think..."hang on, what about Test Drive Unlimited, or COD2, or Battlefield 2 or Ghost Recon!"

See what I mean? Tough question dude, tough question.
If you love multiplayer gaming, then something like PGR3 or Burnout Revenge will be for you. If you prefer single player gaming, then it would have to be Oblivion, simply for it's length. I've already put 300 hours into it, and I've only completed it 1 1/2 times.
If I could only have one game I'd have PGR 3. I'd highly recommend COD2, GRAW and Burnout too. BF2 multiplayer is great fun too. If you shop around online you can get several games for £25 or less (have a look on avforums in the gaming specials section). One of the best things for you is all the demos on the marketplace - you'll have loads to try.
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Well Im seriously considering getting Condemned... I don't particuly want it on the PC, I think it looks better on the 360... has anyone got this on the 360? Any good?

Also is GRAW as good as reviews say, graphically it looks awesome, but whats gameplay like? Looks abit repeatative to me?

And finally, can anyone download the demos in Marketplace? If I get the premium pack then I get Silver membership right? Does that give me the right to download demos? I want to download Just Cause on the 360 and try that out, as I have it on the PC and the controls SUCK and it has no pad support!
Another vote for PGR3 (I wasn't much of a fan of racing games until I played it)

And yes, with a silver membership you can download as many demos as you wish (as long as you have the HD to store them on)
keogh said:
Deffo wouldn't be TDU or PGR as I hate racing games with a passion... they bore the hell outta me.
I have oblivion on the PC and must have racked up MANY hours on that puppy.
Ok, so thats all my recommendations out of the window.. considering Burnout is pretty much a racer albeit unrealistic and super fun. Do you like sports titles? Fight Night 3 looks amazing and if youve got a decent sound setup the hits sound fantastic. The online aspect isnt bad either, knowing your actually boxing someones lights out or playing with your mate sitting next to you.. guaranteed youll both be leaning forward for that extra concentration.
keogh said:
Well Im seriously considering getting Condemned... I don't particuly want it on the PC, I think it looks better on the 360... has anyone got this on the 360? Any good?
Very good game and I recommend you get it BUT not as a first and only game. I found it very much a play a chapter or two then come back to it the next day sort of game which is fineif you've got something else to play in between.

TBH you want something you can get stuck into if you've only got one game to be playing. Saints Row and TDU have been the best so far for absorbing large quantities of my time so I'd recommend those.
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