I'm Being really stupid - Getting RAW files onto the computer

18 Oct 2002
Hi Guys I hope you can help,

I'm having a play with my Flatmates 350D But i can't seem to get RAW photo's off of the camera!!

Viewing the camera in windows it only shows the Jpegs, so i thought i would install ZoomBrowser EX to see if that works. Unfortunatly all that does is perminantly access the HDD, i have no idea what it's doing but it gets stuck accessing the HDD and not responding untill i disconnect the camera, then says "Camera not connected" :rolleyes:

I'm sure i'm doing something really stupid, so if anyone can help me out, it would be great!
ok, cheers guys. At least i wasnt just being stupid then!

Cheers Konicky, I will try picasa2 and if that doesn't work I'll buy a card reader.
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