I'm going cruzzzzzzzzzzin tonight

11 Apr 2004
Alrite m8s,

I iz goin out cruzin tonite in Manny! Gonna be wel g.ud innit. I is gona see some phat cars n al dat! Wicked!

(Enough of that I think :p)

Yeah, so a friend of mine from Rovertech invited me out to a local cruise tonight, and having never been to one before I thought why not. I'm expecting to see some rather horrible looking cars (if you can even call them that), so am all prepared and am taking my camera with me.

The main reason I'm going, isn't because I'm a chav, but because the mate who invited me has a Rover 420 GSi Turbo (probably the rarest of them all) and I want to see how many other 'respectable' people there are driving Rovers :cool:

Anyway, expect this thread to be flooded with pictures when I get back.
Chris1712 said:
Look forward to the pics tbh. See if you can pwn any chavs with your racing gearbox :rolleyes:

If you were being serious with the rolleyes, then please give them to someone who cares :)

El, andi and Bennah it's in Rochdale tonight. Same organisers as the Bolton cruise. I think it's behind the town hall in Rochdale. I'm meeting a mate at Sandbrook at 8 and then he's showing me the way.

andi, if you can, come tonight :)
Well, that was fun :D

What a load of ******* idiots! Started off ok, cars were taking it in turns to drive around the big square... flooring it on the straights.

Some of the cars were mighty impressive... there were 2 turbo'd Corsas albeit with super huge bodykits which were very quick, a lovely looking DC2 JDM with Civic Type R wheels, a turbo'd Astra and a Skyline. Various Scoobs and a few Evo's.

I didn't really get chance to take pictures though :( I didn't feel safe walking up to peoples cars and taking pictures... didn't want my camera snatched.

Anyway, the lesser cars were quite comical... bog standard punto's on steelies with massive exhausts, a Corsa with grey bumpers and huge white sideskirts moulded into the wheel arch... oh not forgetting the mound of blue neons in attendence.

As the night progressed, people got silly... and there were 2 guys in a BMW 325 I think it was burning it up and down the straights at silly speeds. Not forgetting the morons on the bikes pulling wheelies and almost getting knocked down by cars. Ah well, up to them.

Anyway, on with the few pics I did take...

My mate's GSi-Turbo

Judging by the number plate, this car had 400bhp (M400 BHP)

Toyota Celica

A proper bad Punto in da corna innit

A Skyline that turned up just as I was leaving

So yeah, there we go... I'm no longer a cruise virgin. There's a bigger one happening on Saturday night which will have the presence of Fast Car magazine. If I can sort the flash out on my camera so that it doesn't glare out on numberplates, I might head up there.
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Exactly. I mean some of them probably wouldn't be too bothered but I didn't want go risk it. I suppose I could have asked, but then I would have looked like a bit of a geek.

I'll no doubt take pictures at the big meet though, as there will be plenty of people doing so.
Ohhh, that reminds me! What was parked next to my car... but a 'pimped' 53 plate Corsa with a fake dump valve. I had to move my car somewhere else to control my laughter :D

Oh, my camera skills are fine ;) The last 3 pictures were taken without the flash... I didn't want to draw attention to myself.

There were several cars 'flying' up the straight. Loud exhausts + 1 litre engines = you look like a fool.

The "ive taken daddys bmw for the night and im not insured" kid

There was one guy in a brand new Astra TD Estate. It really was rapid... but that's because he was caining the ass off it. He didn't look old enough to own a car, let alone drive it.

Actually, that reminds me of a blue Punto with steelies and a big exhaust. The guy (looked like a girl) couldn't even see over the steering wheel :D

Something I want to know is, why the hell do they sit there with the engines running? I must have walked past 10 cars with the cooling fans on. Idiots!
:( I want to go to a proper organised cruise. None of this Corsa lark.

Ah well, at least I can be thankful it didn't turn out like something from StrathyCruise (a mate lives in Scotland - raves on about that).

What a bunch of idiots!
=Mac= said:
Aye, I remember that. They were the children of the family that owned "New England", a mill in between littleborough and walsden (if you knw the area).

www.rude2cruz.co.uk if my memory serves me well

Correct :)

Rude2cruz was shut down though and the new crew... Back To The Old Skool was started up.

Basically, what I heard happened was loads of idiots went to the R2C meets and caused loads of trouble which meant the owner had to close it down to save his reputation I think.

He then started BTTOS in the hope that it would be a clean slate. Well, that's what I heard anyway. I met the site owner tonight and he seemed like a nice guy, not a chav at all.
Even so, I wouldn't feel comfortable with sitting there for hours on end with the engine running.

Maybe owning a K has made me too cautious, but better to be safe than sorry IMO. :)
Jez said:
Loads of work upgrading a couple of the Grosvenor casino's up here.

Ohhhhh, the security company I work for has security guards at one of the Grosvenor Casino's.

Not sure exactly where, but thought I'd mention it anyway. :)
MrSix, power caps are possibly the worst thing you can do to an ICE install.

Do a search over at TalkAudio forums for more info... but they actually put more strain on the battery and alty :)
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