I'm going cruzzzzzzzzzzin tonight

rG-tom said:
hey man, you actually busy in manc or you got a lot of skiving time? i live like a mile or 2 from the city centre so if you're bored, gimme an MSN, or get my mobile number off of moreland :)


Sadly i am snowed under mate yea :( Loads of work upgrading a couple of the Grosvenor casino's up here. Then gotta rush down after a long day on thursday for a stupid dinner in stratford
Jez said:
Loads of work upgrading a couple of the Grosvenor casino's up here.

Ohhhhh, the security company I work for has security guards at one of the Grosvenor Casino's.

Not sure exactly where, but thought I'd mention it anyway. :)
At the hard rock casino today and tomorrow, come and say hi ;) Did whitworth street over the last couple of days
Morba said:
battery drain when using ICE without engine running.

some of them probably have some amps etc so best to stay running.

Was searching for how to find out what car certain plates belong to and had a brief look through this thread - Morba, I think you can get "power caps" which are basically massive capacitors which allow you to charge them up then run your ICE all night long without zapping your battery. My mate had a BMW 328 AC Schnitzer rep, really nice until he put his "install" in to it which included 4 power caps...bloody fool added about half a ton of crap and ended up wrapping it round a tree.
MrSix, power caps are possibly the worst thing you can do to an ICE install.

Do a search over at TalkAudio forums for more info... but they actually put more strain on the battery and alty :)
haha, just goes to show what these chavvers know then eh?!

I wouldn't consider having them as I don't do much sitting around with my stereo blaring - I was just going on what i'd been told by the knobbers :)
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